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Auditing and Event Management

Applies To: Windows Server 2003 with SP1

Event IDs Used by Certificate Services

The following event IDs are currently used by Certificate Services:

772. The Certificate Manager denied a pending certificate request.

773. Certificate Services received a resubmitted certificate request.

774. Certificate Services revoked a certificate.

775. Certificate Services received a request to publish the certificate revocation list (CRL).

776. Certificate Services published the certificate revocation list (CRL).

777. A certificate request extension changed.

778. One or more certificate request attributes changed.

779. Certificate Services received a request to shut down.

780. Certificate Services backup started.

781. Certificate Services backup completed.

782. Certificate Services restore started.

783. Certificate Services restore completed.

784. Certificate Services started.

785. Certificate Services stopped.

786. The security permissions for Certificate Services changed.

787. Certificate Services retrieved an archived key.

788. Certificate Services imported a certificate into its database.

789. The audit filter for Certificate Services changed.

790. Certificate Services received a certificate request.

791. Certificate Services approved a certificate request and issued a certificate.

792. Certificate Services denied a certificate request.

793. Certificate Services set the status of a certificate request to pending.

794. The Certificate Manager settings for Certificate Services changed.

795. A configuration entry changed in Certificate Services.

796. A property of Certificate Services changed.

797. Certificate Services archived a key.

798. Certificate Services imported and archived a key.

799. Certificate Services published the CA certificate to Active Directory.

800. One or more rows has been deleted from the certificate database.

801. Role separation enabled.

Breakdown of Shared Event IDs


Property: 29

Index: 0

Type: 4

Adding/removing template to/from CA. Value is list of resulting

templates by name and object identifier.

Property: 26

Index: <KRA cert index>

Type: 3

Adding KRA cert to CA. Value is Base64 representation of the


Property: 25

Index: 0

Type: 1

Removing KRA certificate from CA. Value is the total KRA certificate count. For example, you can add 7 KRA cert to CA but configure it to use 3 only. In this case, the property 25 (CR_PROP_KRACERTCOUNT) will be 7 and the property 24 (CR_PROP_KRACERTUSEDCOUNT) will be 3.

Property: 24

Index: 0

Type: 1

Adding/removing number of KRA certificates to use for key archival. Value is resulting number of certificates to use. A value of 0 indicates that KAR is disabled. For example, you can add 7 KRA cert to CA but configure it to use 3 only. In this case, the property 25 (CR_PROP_KRACERTCOUNT) will be 7 and the property 24 (CR_PROP_KRACERTUSEDCOUNT) will be 3.



Entry: CRLPeriod or CRLPeriodUnits or CRLDeltaPeriod or


Describe change in CRL publication schedule. Value of 0 for

CRLDeltaPeriodUnits means Delta CRL publishing disabled.

Node: PolicyModules\CertificateAuthority_MicrosoftDefault.Policy

Entry: RequestDisposition

Value: 1

Set CA to issue incoming requests unless specified otherwise.

Node: PolicyModules\CertificateAuthority_MicrosoftDefault.Policy

Entry: RequestDisposition

Value: 257

Set CA to keep incoming requests pending.

Node: ExitModules\CertificateAuthority_MicrosoftDefault.Exit

Entry: PublishCertFlags

Value: 1

Allow certificates to be published to the file system.

Node: ExitModules\CertificateAuthority_MicrosoftDefault.Exit

Entry: PublishCertFlags

Value: 0

Disallow certificates to be published to the file system.

Node: ExitModules

Entry: Active

Change in active Exit module. Value specifies name of new module. Blank

means none.

Node: PolicyModules

Entry: Active

Change in active Policy module. Value specifies name of new module.


Entry: CRLPublicationURLs

Change in CDPs or AIAs. Value specifies resultant set of CDPs.


Entry: CACertPublicationURLs

Change in AIAs or CDPs. Value specifies resultant set of AIAs.

CA Audit Specification

The following tables provide more information about the data contained in the CA audit events.

Certificate Request Events

Audit Event Audit Data

Certificate Request Submission

Request ID

UPN of Requestor

Certificate Request Processing

Request ID

Distinguished Name of Subject

Result of Processing (Issue, Pend, or Deny)

Certificate Issuance

Request ID

Certificate Serial No

Hash of Certificate

Certificate Template and Version

Sequence Number from CSP

Certificate Publication

Request ID

Distinguished Name of Object Updated

DC Name

Certificate Serial No

Certificate Revocation

Certificate Serial No

Time for Revocation

Reason for Revocation

Key Archived

Request ID

UPN of Requestor

List of Hashes of Recovery Agents Certificate(s)

Certificate Management Audit Events

Audit Event Audit Data

Certificate Revocation Request

Issuer Name and Serial No of Signing Certificate (if signed)

Revocation Reason

UPN of Certificate Manager

Request Resubmission

Request ID

UPN of Certificate Manager

Denied Request

Request ID

UPN of Certificate Manager

Certificate Import

Request ID

UPN of Certificate Manager

Archived Key Retrieval

Request ID

Certificate Serial Number

Hash of Encrypted Blob

UPN of Certificate Manager

CA Administration Audit Events

Audit Event Audit Data

Service Start or Stop

Hash of the Certificate Services Database Directories

Hash of the Database Log Directories

List of All Hashes of the Certificate Services Certificates

Sequence Number from CSP

CA Certificate Renewal Request

URN of Requestor


CA Certificate Installation

UPN of Installer

Hash of Certificate

Issuer Name



CRL Creation and Publication

CRL Type


Hash of CRL

Base and/or Delta CRL

CRL This Update

CRL Next update

URL Used to Publish

SKI (Identifier of CA)

UPN of Service Manager

Configure CRL Publication Policy

List of All CRL Policies Entries

UPN of Service Manager

Selecting Policy Module

Name of Active Policy Module (relative registry path)

UPN of Service Manager

Selecting Exit Module

Name of Active Exit Module (relative registry path)

UPN of Service Manager

Configure Policy Module

Name of Policy Module

Configuration Entry Name

New Configuration Entry Value

UPN of Service Manager

Configure Exit Module

Name of Exit Module

Configuration Entry Name

New Configuration Entry Value

UPN of Service Manager

Certificate Template Update

Template Name

Template Major and Minor Version Nos

List of Template Attributes

UPN of Service Manager

Key Archive Policy Change

Subject Name of Key Recovery Agent Certificate

Hash of Key Recovery Agent Certificate

Number of Key Recovery Agent Certificates Used

UPN of Service Manager

Data Base Row Deletion



UPN of Service Manager

Configure Certificate Managers Restrictions

Enable/Disable Restrictions

UPN of Each Certificate Manager, List of Users to Manage, Type of ACE(Allow/Deny)

UPN of Service Manager

Configure CA Security

UPN of Each User, Control Access Type, Type of ACE(Allow/Deny)

UPN of Service Manager

Configure CDP

List of All CDPs

UPN of Service Manager

Configure AIA

List of All AIAs

UPN of Service Manager

Backup/Restore Events

Start Service Backup

UPN of Operator

Backup Type

Backup Set ID

Data Integrity Check On\Off

Finish Service Backup


Cancel Service Backup


Start Service Restore

UPN of Operator

Restore Type

Backup Set ID

Data Integrity Check On\Off

Finish Service Restore

Integrity Check OK (if integrity checking on)

Cancel Service Restore

UPN of Operator

Audit Events

Audit Filter Change

Value of New Audit Filter

UPN of Auditor