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Specifying service and file names

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Specifying service and file names

You must specify a service name and a file name in the CMAK wizard to identify your service profile.

Service name

The service name identifies your service to the users. This name is limited to 35 characters. This name appears at several points when the user runs your service:

  • In the title bar text for the logon dialog box for your service.

  • In dialog boxes that appear during installation of Connection Manager and the service profile.

  • As the desktop icon name for your service.

  • On the program button on the taskbar that appears when the program is running.

  • In the ToolTip that appears when the mouse points to the notification area shortcut, which is located at the far right of the taskbar.

  • Within the service-profile files, for entries such as the default dial-up entry.

  • In the Network Connections (Windows XP and the Windows Server 2003 family), Network and Dial-up Connections (Windows 2000), or Dial-up Networking (Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition) folder, as the name of the remote access connection.

This name is often a company or other business name. For example, the fictitious company Awesome Computers, which is used for many of the examples in this documentation, might specify "Awesome Computers" as the service name. Or, if Awesome Computers wanted to set up separate service profiles for each department, the service name for one of them might be "Awesome Computers - Marketing."


  • Do not use any of the following characters in your service profile name: * \ / : ? " < > | [ ] & ´ % ' `

File name

The file name is the name given to the files created by the CMAK wizard when building the service profile. The file name can be up to 8 alphanumeric characters, with the following limitations:

  • Do not use any of the following: ! , ; <space> * = \ / : ? ' " < > | . % + [ ] $ # & @ ( ) { } ´ ` ~

  • Do not use extended character sets in a file name. A file name created with extended character sets (such as those containing ü, é, and other extended characters) might not be properly installed.


  • Make sure that the service and file names are different from all other service and file names that you provide to your customers. If two service profiles on the same computer have the same service or file name, the associated connection icons do not work correctly.

  • When editing an existing profile, if you do not want to write over the existing service profile, you must change the file name.

The file name is used for the following files created by the CMAK wizard, including:

  • The folder containing the files needed to install Connection Manager and the service profile, located at \Program Files\CMAK\Profiles\ServiceProfileFileName.

  • The self-extracting executable (.exe) file.

  • The .cms file, which contains the configuration data for Connection Manager features, such as the names of the phone book and connection methods.

  • The .cmp file, which stores user-specified information, such as the name of the .cms file to be used.

  • The .inf file, which is used for the setup and installation of Connection Manager on the user's computer.

  • The .sed file, which specifies the contents of the .cab file and how to compress the files when the service profile is built.

The file name for the service profile is also used for the folder created on the user's computer when the .exe file is run.

For more information on what files are created by the CMAK wizard, see Using the CMAK wizard to build a service profile.