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Using CopyFiles in the DDInstall Section

The following example demonstrates the use of CopyFiles in the DDInstall section:

AddReg=All, MfgAddReg, Modem1.AddReg
AddReg=All, MfgAddReg, Modem2.AddReg
CopyFiles= FilestoCopy



An INF file that installs modems that require a serial port emulation driver (Softmodem or Controllerless modem) other than serial.sys, must have a CopyFiles line, as illustrated in the Modem2 section. The CopyFiles directive provides the installer with a list of files in the [FilestoCopy] section of the INF file. Because DestinationDirs specifies the Default of location %12%, the installer copies the driver file to the \Windows\System32\drivers directory. In Control Panel, click the Modems icon to verify these settings.

If an INF file installs modems that require a WDM modem driver, the INF file must include a CopyFiles line to install that driver.

For more information about the CopyFiles directive, see INF CopyFiles Directive.



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