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This automated test validates that display drivers gracefully handle CreateSurface calls for all pixel formats that the DirectDraw hardware emulation layer (HEL) supports.

Drivers are not required to support the entire pixel format list. Drivers can choose to fail any format that you do not want them to support.

The primary purpose of this test is to ensure that drivers can respond correctly to unsupported formats. The suggested return code is DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDFORMAT, but drivers can return whatever error code is most appropriate.

This topic applies to the following test jobs:

  • CreateSurface

  • CreateSurface (WoW64)

Test details

Associated requirements


See the device hardware requirements.


Windows 7 (x64) Windows 7 (x86) Windows RT (ARM-based) Windows 8 (x64) Windows 8 (x86) Windows Server 2012 (x64) Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64) Windows RT 8.1 Windows 8.1 x64 Windows 8.1 x86 Windows Server 2012 R2

Expected run time

~30 minutes


Certification Functional




Running the test

Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: Graphic Adapter or Chipset Testing Prerequisites.

In addition, this test requires the following software and hardware.

  • DirectX® version 7.0 or later

  • Display adapter with DDraw capabilities


For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Device.Graphics Testing.

Turn off the screen saver and disable the power management before you run this test. Mode changes and full-screen applications can cause failures, so you should avoid them.

More information

The pixel format list consists of the following formats:

  • Offscreen plain surfaces:

    • Pal 1-bit

    • Pal 2-bit

    • Pal 4-bit

    • Pal 8-bit

    • RGB 16-bit 5:6:5

    • RGB 16-bit 5:5:5

    • ARGB 16-bit 1:5:5:5 Premult

    • ARGB 16-bit 1:5:5:5

    • RGB 24-bit 8:8:8

    • BGR 24-bit 8:8:8

    • RGB 32-bit 8:8:8

    • BGR 32-bit 8:8:8

    • ARGB 32-bit 8:8:8:8

    • ABGR 32-bit 8:8:8:8

    • ARGB 32-bit 8:8:8:8 Premult

    • ABGR 32-bit 8:8:8:8 Premult

    • 565+16 RGBZ

    • 555+16 RGBZ

    • ARGB16-bit 4:4:4:4 Premult

    • ARGB16-bit 4:4:4:4

  • Texture surfaces:

    • Pal 1-bit

    • Pal 1-bit - Indexed8

    • Pal 2-bit

    • Pal 2-bit - Indexed8

    • Pal 4-bit

    • Pal 4-bit - Indexed8

    • Pal 8-bit

    • RGB 8-bit 3:3:2

    • ARGB16-bit 4:4:4:4

    • RGB 16-bit 5:6:5

    • BGR 16-bit 5:6:5

    • RGB 16-bit 5:5:5

    • ARGB 16-bit 1:5:5:5

    • RGB 24-bit 8:8:8

    • BGR 24-bit 8:8:8

    • RGB 32-bit 8:8:8

    • BGR 32-bit 8:8:8

    • ARGB 32-bit 8:8:8:8

    • ABGR 32-bit 8:8:8:8

    • Luminance 8-bit

    • Alpha Luminance 8-bit

    • U8V8 bumpmap

    • U5V5L6 bumpmap

    • U8V8L8 bumpmap

    • 16 bit Z buffer

    • 32 depth/stencil 8S:24Z

    • 32 depth/stencil 24Z:8S

    • 16 depth/stencil 15z:1s

    • 16 depth/stencil 1s:15z

    • 32 bit Z buffer

    • DXT1

    • DXT2

    • DXT3

    • DXT4

    • DXT5

    • Alpha 8

    • A4I4 luminance

    • ARGB 16-bit 8:3:3:2

    • A8P8

    • UYVY

    • YUY2

    • RGB 16-bit 4:4:4

    • X8L8V8U8 Bump Luminance


The preceding list does not represent all possible formats. Display drivers should be written in a way to gracefully reject all unsupported formats.


The test cycles through all supported bit-depths (8-, 16-, 24-, and 32-bpp) at 640 x 480 resolution.

Most of the Microsoft® DirectDraw tests (including the Blt - Color Key - Video Memory to Primary Memory test) are located in Fnddraw.exe. You can run Fnddraw.exe outside of the Display Compatibility Test (DCT) shell, and select initial tests. On the Tests menu, click Select Tests.

The test titles that are listed in the DCT shell do not directly match the test names in Fnddraw.exe. In fact, the names in the DCT often refer to a group of Fnddraw tests. You can obtain the Fnddraw test case names from the DCT log file.

You can pause many Fnddraw tests (especially blt-related tests) to give you time to visually analyze the blt results. Use the Pause key to pause and resume.

Use the Esc key to stop a test run. Be patient because some tests are more responsive than others.

Command syntax

Command option Description

Fnddraw -l"fnswtt.dll" -r -c -p"m1" /WTTLogDevStr:$logfile

This command runs both the CreateSurface test job and the CreateSurface (WoW64) test job.

Replace the %MONITOR% parameter with a 1-based index that corresponds to the display that you are testing.


File list

File Location












You do not need Fnswtt.dll to run this test. It is used only for Windows Test Technology (WTT) logging.




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