Rebar Controls Messages (Windows CE 5.0)
The following table shows the rebar controls messages, with a description of the purpose of each.
Programming element | Description |
RB_DELETEBAND | This message deletes a band from a rebar control. |
RB_GETBANDBORDERS | This message retrieves the borders of a band. |
RB_GETBANDCOUNT | This message retrieves the count of bands currently in the rebar control. |
RB_GETBANDINFO | This message retrieves information about a specified band in a rebar control. |
RB_GETBARHEIGHT | This message retrieves the height the rebar control. |
RB_GETBARINFO | This message retrieves information about the rebar control and the image list it uses. |
RB_GETBKCOLOR | This message retrieves a rebar control's default background color. |
RB_GETRECT | This message retrieves the bounding rectangle for a specified band in a rebar control. |
RB_GETROWCOUNT | This message retrieves the number of band rows in a rebar control. |
RB_GETROWHEIGHT | This message retrieves the height of a specified row in a rebar control. |
RB_GETTEXTCOLOR | This message retrieves a rebar control's default text color. |
RB_HITTEST | This message determines which portion of a rebar band is at a specified point on the screen, if a rebar band exists at that point. |
RB_IDTOINDEX | This message converts a band identifier to a band index in a rebar control. |
RB_INSERTBAND | This message inserts a new band in a rebar control. |
RB_MAXIMIZEBAND | This message resizes a band in a rebar control to its ideal or largest size. |
RB_MINIMIZEBAND | This message resizes a band in a rebar control to its smallest size. |
RB_SETBANDINFO | This message sets characteristics of an existing band in a rebar control. |
RB_SETBARINFO | This message sets the characteristics of a rebar control. |
RB_SETBKCOLOR | This message sets a rebar control's default background color. |
RB_SETPARENT | This message sets a rebar control's parent window. |
RB_SETTEXTCOLOR | This message sets a rebar control's default text color. |
RB_SHOWBAND | This message shows or hides a specified band in a rebar control. |
RB_SIZETORECT | This message tries to fit a rebar control to a specified rectangle. |
See Also
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