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Configuring the Device Update Agent Component to Poll a Media Device

The Device Update Agent runs as a service on your device, by polling a specified location for updates. In Target Designer, you can configure Device Update Agent to poll a Web server or a local media device.

This section describes how to configure DUA to poll a media device. For information about configuring Device Update Agent to poll a Web server, see Configuring the Device Update Agent Component to Poll a Web Server.

You can configure Device Update Agent to poll a media device, such as a hard disk, CD-ROM, or floppy, or networked hard drive for updates.

Note   Frequent poll intervals may wear out your hardware. Repeated polls made to a floppy or CD-ROM drive may burn out the motor of the device after extended usage. It is important to anticipate the wear on the polled device before you configure the Device Update Agent settings.

To configure Device Update Agent to poll a media device

  1. Review your device settings, including drive letter, location of the Device Update Program file, and access permissions.

  2. In Target Designer, expand the Device Update Agent component node and choose Settings. The Device Update Agent component settings tab appears in the details pane.

    The following table shows the recommended Device Update Agent component settings to use to poll a media device.

    Device Update Agent component setting Description Recommended
    Service Account:

    Local System | Administrator

    Selects the account permissions to use when DUA updates the device. The Administrator Account component must be included in your configuration if the Administrator service account is selected. Administrator
    Run on Start Configures DUA to poll immediately when the system starts. Cleared
    Require HTTP support Selects whether or not Device Update Agent retrieves updates from a remote Web server. Required for remote polling and httpget requests. Cleared
    Poll Interval Selects the interval (in seconds) between polls.  
    Poll Jitter Sets an offset to the Poll Interval. If selected, the poll will occur randomly within the poll interval. Cleared
    Working Directory This is a temporary storage directory that DUA uses when it updates a run-time image. C:\DUA
    Poll Time/Day Selects the dates and times that DUA polls for updates.  
    Select Command Path Type

    [Local | Remote using HTTP]

    Selects whether to use a local or remote system directory or a remote Web server to poll for updates. Local
    Complete Path to the Command File including Filename and Extension The complete path that DUA polls. Because DUA uses a pull mechanism to retrieve updates, the device update program must be specified This field must not be left blank. If it is left blank, your run-time image will not build. Example:


    For more information about the registry settings set by DUA, see DUA Registry Settings.

See Also

Device Update Agent | How to Configure DUA to Poll a Web Server | How to Configure DUA to Poll a Media Device

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

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