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Customizing the Reseal Phase

You can customize the Reseal phase by changing the default extended properties of the System Cloning Tool component.

For example, you can configure a reseal application to call an entry point in any custom dynamic-link library (DLL) to provide a notification when the reseal operation has completed. This enables you to replace the standard notification (a message displaying "Machine Resealed! Click OK to reboot") with a custom notification, for example, a message beep. Reseal notification is important because it differentiates the reboot between the reseal phase and the cloning phase from all other reboots.

To customize the reseal phase

  1. Select the System Cloning Tool Component in your configuration. The component details appear in the Details pane.
  2. Choose the Advanced button in the Details pane. The Advanced Component Properties window appears.
  3. Edit the following extended properties in the System Cloning Tool component:
    • cmiRemoveMountedDevices (BOOLEAN)

      Set to TRUE to remove all references to mounted drives, such as floppy or CD-ROMs, including changing drive letters, during cloning. Set to FALSE to retain mounted drive settings after cloning.

    • cmiRemoveUserSettings (BOOLEAN)

      Set to TRUE to remove all user specific settings, including start menu customizations and most recently used file lists, during cloning. Set to FALSE to retain all user specific setting after cloning.

    • cmiRemoveNetSettings (BOOLEAN)

      Set to TRUE to remove all network settings, including network bridges, during cloning. Set to FALSE to retain all network settings after cloning.

    • cmiUnjoinDomain (BOOLEAN)

      Set to TRUE to remove all references to mounted drives, such as floppy or CD-ROMs, including changing drive letters, during cloning. Set to FALSE to retain mounted drive settings after cloning.

    • cmiGenerateComputerName (INT)

      Default setting is 1. This tells the cloning process to generate a random computer name for the client. Example: OEM-HUDVHELDDYQ. Setting to 0 tells the cloning process to preserve the existing computer name.

    • cmiRemoveAutoLogon (boolean)

      Set to TRUE to keep the Automatic Logon feature enabled after the cloning process. Set to FALSE to remove Automatic Logon after the cloning process.

    • cmiResealPhase (integer)

      Default setting is 12000. Set to 0 to disable automatic reseal during FBA.

    • cmiResealDLLEntry (string)

      String value that specifies the name of the function to call in the DLL specified by cmiResealDLL. This function contains the following syntax:

      BOOL OnResealComplete;

      If the OnResealComplete function returns TRUE, the reseal application reboots the system. If the function returns FALSE, the reseal application does not reboot the system. In general, this function should return TRUE. Any system configuration operations that must occur before the reboot should be processed prior to the reseal phase.

      If the parameters specified by cmiResealDLL and cmiResealDLLEntry are not valid, for example, if the DLL cannot be located or cmiResealDLLEntry specifies a nonexistent export function, the reseal application reverts to the default behavior of posting a message box after it receives an error notification.

    • cmiResealDLL (string)

      String value that specifies the name of the DLL containing the entry-point function specified by cmiResealDLLEntry.

**Note   **During the reseal phase, the device is disconnected from the network, which impacts any additional steps you want to perform after the reseal phase.

See Also

Reseal Phase | Cloning Overview | How to Create a Run-Time Image for Mass Deployment | FBRESEAL Commands

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.