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VoIPProgressTone (Windows CE 5.0)

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This enumeration lists possible progress tones. It is defined by the IVoIPMediaMgr interface. It is used by the IVoIPMgr::PlayProgressTone method.

typedef enum VoIPProgressTone { e_vptInvalid = 0,e_vptDial,e_vptStutter,e_vptOffHookWarning,e_vptConfirmation,e_vptMessageWaiting,e_vptRingback,e_vptCallWaiting,e_vptReorder,e_vptCongestion,e_vptClientBusy,e_vptNetworkBusy} VoIPProgressTone;


  • e_vptInvalid
    Invalid progress tone.
  • e_vptDial
    Dial tone.
  • e_vptStutter
    User does a hook flash.
  • e_vptOffHookWarning
    Phone has gone off hook.
  • e_vptConfirmation
    User configures feature, for example, forwarding.
  • e_vptMessageWaiting
    A message is waiting for the user.
  • e_vptRingback
    Outgoing call is ringing through.
  • e_vptCallWaiting
    One call connected and another incoming.
  • e_vptReorder
    Local error, for example, wrong digit map.
  • e_vptCongestion
    Call client receives a network error, such as timeout or unreachable party.
  • e_vptClientBusy
    Other client is busy.
  • e_vptNetworkBusy
    Network is busy.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Voipmediamanager.idl.

See Also

VoIP Application Interface Layer Architecture | IVoIPMediaMgr | IVoIPMgr::PlayProgressTone

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