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D3DMPSHADECAPS Values (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows values that are used in the ShadeCaps member of the D3DMCAPS structure to describe the shading operations that a device supports. For more information, see D3DMSHADEMODE.

Value Description
D3DMPSHADECAPS_COLORGOURAUDRGB Indicates that the device supports Gouraud shading for diffuse color parameters.
D3DMPSHADECAPS_SPECULARGOURAUDRGB Indicates that the device supports Gouraud shading for specular color parameters.
D3DMPSHADECAPS_ALPHAGOURAUDBLEND Indicates that the device supports Gouraud shading for the diffuse alpha parameter.
D3DMPSHADECAPS_FOGGOURAUD Indicates that the device supports Gouraud shading for the fog (specular alpha) parameter.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: D3dmcaps.h.

See Also

Direct3D Mobile Capability Bits | Direct3D Mobile Macros

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