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Using Persistent Caching Functions (Windows CE 5.0)

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The caching functions enable an application to save data in the local file system for subsequent use, such as in situations where access to the data is over a low-bandwidth link or the access is not available at all. The calling application that inserts data into the persistent cache assigns a source name that is used to do operations such as retrieve the data, set and get some properties on the data, and delete data.

The WinInet functions use the cache functions to provide persistent caching. Unless explicitly specified not to cache through the INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE flag, Windows Internet Services (WinInet) functions cache all data downloaded from the network. The responses to POST data are not cached. Note, however, that if the INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE and INTERNET_FLAG_HYPERLINK are both specified, WinInet will create the cache file but will not commit it.

Clients that need persistent caching services use the persistent caching functions to enable their applications to save data in the local file system for subsequent use, such as in situations where a low-bandwidth link limits access to the data or the access is not available at all. The calling application that inserts data into the persistent cache assigns a source name that is used to perform operations, including retrieving, setting, and getting some properties and deleting the data.

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