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CImeCUICandWindow::CCandListArea::Item::PaintCandidateString (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method draws the candidate string.

static void PaintCandidateString(  HDC hDC,  const LPRECT lprc,  HANDLE hMetrics,  INT iIdMenu,  INT iIdMenuMax,  BOOL bSel,  BOOL fScrollBarIsVisible,  LPCTSTR pszCandString,  DWORD dwFlags);


  • hDC
    [in] Handle to the device context for the window.
  • lprc
    [in] Pointer to a RECT structure that specifies the coordinates of the bounding rectangle for the item.
  • hMetrics
    [in] Handle that was returned by the CreateRenderingMetrics method.
  • iIdMenu
    [in] 32-bit integer that indicates the zero-based index for the item.
  • iIdMenuMax
    [in] 32-bit integer that indicates the zero-based index for the last item displayed in the list. You can determine if the item is the last item by comparing the values for the iIdMenu and iIdMenuMax parameters.
  • bSel
    [in] Value that indicates whether the item is selected.
  • fScrollBarIsVisible
    [in] Value that indicates whether the scrollbar is visible.
  • pszCandString
    [in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the candidate string.
  • dwFlags
    [in] Set to DRAWFLAG_DIR_LEFTRIGHT. This parameter is reserved for future use.

Return Values



OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Imjpskin.h.

See Also

CImeCUICandWindow | RECT | CreateRenderingMetrics

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