Traditional Chinese Pocket IME Hot Key Registry Settings (Windows CE 5.0)
The HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Input Method\Hot Keys\00000070 registry key is set to enable non-IME toggle to enable or disable the IME. This registry key has the following named values.
Value : type | Description |
VK : REG_DWORD | Default set to 20. Specifies the virtual key value. |
KM : REG_DWORD | Default set to C002. Specifies the key modifier value for the hot key. |
Ime : REG_DWORD | Default set to e0010404. Specifies the keyboard layout value of the IME for the hot key. |
The HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Input Method\Hot Keys\00000071 registry key is set to enable Full-Half Width toggle used to toggle between full and half width characters. This registry key has the following named values.
Value : type | Description |
VK : REG_DWORD | Default set to 20. Specifies the virtual key value. |
KM : REG_DWORD | Default set to C004. Specifies the key modifier value for the hot key. |
Ime : REG_DWORD | Default set to e0010404. Specifies the keyboard layout value of the IME for the hot key. |
The HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Input Method\Hot Keys\00000072 registry key is to enable symbol input toggle of a symbol character from the keyboard directly. After one character is entered, the keyboard reverts to its previous state. This registry key has the following named values.
Value : type | Description |
VK : REG_DWORD | Default set to BE. Specifies the virtual key value. |
KM : REG_DWORD | Default set to C002. Specifies the key modifier value for the hot key. |
Ime : REG_DWORD | Default set to e0010404. Specifies the keyboard layout value of the IME for the hot key. |
See Also
Traditional Chinese Pocket IME UI Source Code Files
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