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TL_FLAGS (Windows CE 5.0)

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This enumeration contains a set of flags that provide specifications for the transport layer.



    The transport supports a keepalive stream. If this flag is specified and the global setting for the keepalive stream is turned on, Platform Manager creates a dedicated stream through which to send keepalive packets. The time allotted for sending keepalive packets depends on the value for the dwKeepAliveTimeOut member of the TLPUBINFO structure. The frequency at which Platform Manager sends packets is inversely proportional to the value of the dwKeepAliveTimeOut member.

    Platform Manager attempts to make a direct connection to a target device. If this flag is specified, Platform Manager does not attempt to use the startup server to copy files for the device-side part of Platform Manager and the device-side part of the transport to the target device. Platform Manager also does not try to launch the device-side part of Platform Manager on the target device. If a connection has not been established with the target device after the time specified in the dwConnectTimeOut member of the TLPUBINFO structure elapses, Platform Manager attempts to use the startup server.

    Modifies the registry of the target device with the settings for the transport. This flag includes the name of the device-side part of the transport and the data for the device-side part of the transport. The data is stored under the following registry key.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Windows CE Tools\Platform Manager
        TLName = REG_SZ
        TLData = REG_SZ

    TLName specifies the name of the transport retrieved from a call to the ITransport::GetClientName method. TLData refers to the data specified in the **pData****member of the TLPUBINFO structure, which is retrieved from a call to the ITransport::GetConnectionInfo method. When the device-side part of Platform Manager loads, it automatically retrieves the data from the registry. You should only store the settings for the transport in the registry if the data for the transport does dynamically change.

    The device-side part of Platform Manager adds itself to the Init registry subkey on the target device. If this flag is set, the device-side part of Platform Manager automatically executes the next time you start the target device.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Tl.idl.

See Also

ITransport::GetConnectionInfo | ITransport::GetClientName | TLPUBINFO

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