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This structure indicates whether a surface can be created and passes that information to the DirectDraw hardware abstraction layer (DDHAL) CanCreateSurface callback function.



  • lpDD**
    Pointer to the DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL structure that represents the DirectDraw object.
  • lpDDSurfaceDesc**
    Pointer to a DDSURFACEDESC structure that contains a description of the surface being created.
  • bIsDifferentPixelFormat
    Indicates whether the pixel format differs from the primary surface. This member is FALSE for z-buffers. However, drivers implementing the GetDriverInfo function with a GUID_ZPixelFormat instance should expect this member to be TRUE.
  • ddRVal**
    Passes the DirectDraw return values.
  • CanCreateSurface**
    Used by DirectDraw and should not be filled in by the driver.


The bIsDifferentPixelFormat member is unreliable for z-buffers. Drivers should not rely on this field unless they have first checked that the surface in question is not a z-buffer Do this by checking for the presence of the DDSCAPS_ZBUFFER flag in the dwCaps member of the DDSCAPS structure pointed to by the ddsCaps member of the DDSURFACEDESC structure contained in the lpDDSurfaceDesc member of this structure.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.
Header: Ddrawi.h.

See Also

CanCreateSurface | DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL | DDSURFACEDESC | GetDriverInfo | DDSCAPS | DirectDraw Structures

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