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IOsAxsGeneric (Windows CE 5.0)

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This interface defines methods that provide OS awareness.


The following table shows the methods of the IOsAxsGeneric interface.

Method Description
IOsAxsGeneric::Disable Disables all OsAccess services.
IOsAxsGeneric::Enable Re-starts all OsAccess services.
IOsAxsGeneric::EnumAllModules Returns an enumeration interface for all modules.
IOsAxsGeneric::EnumAllProcesses Returns an enumeration interface for all processes.
IOsAxsGeneric::EnumAllThreads Returns an enumeration interface for all threads.
IOsAxsGeneric::GetCurrentProcessAndThread Returns the interface pointers of the current process and thread.
IOsAxsGeneric::GetCurrentlyViewedProcess Returns an interface to the process used to map zero-slot addresses.
IOsAxsGeneric::GeteXdi2Service Returns the ICcService object that supports the eXdi2 driver.
IOsAxsGeneric::GetExecModeAtAddress Retrieves the execution mode for code at given address.
IOsAxsGeneric::GetFullThdContextRegList Retrieves the complete OS thread context, including a list of all registers in the saved thread context.
IOsAxsGeneric::GetMetrics Retrieves the metrics and capabilities of the specified object.
IOsAxsGeneric::GetModuleByID Returns an interface for a module specified by identifier.
IOsAxsGeneric::GetModuleFromAddress Retrieves the module containing the provided address.
IOsAxsGeneric::GetProcessByID Returns an interface for a process specified by identifier.
IOsAxsGeneric::GetRoutineDataByAddress Returns the function-specific data, or PDATA, for a function at a specified address.
IOsAxsGeneric::GetThreadByID Returns an interface for a thread specified by identifier.
IOsAxsGeneric::GetThreadMigrationTarget Retrieves the target address of a protected server library (PSL) call.


OS Version: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: OsAccess.h.
Link Library: OSAXSC.lib.

See Also

IOsAxs Interfaces

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