This structure contains alternate phrase request information.
typedef struct tagSPPHRASEALTREQUEST{ ULONGulStartElement; ULONGcElements; ULONGulRequestAltCount; void* pvResultExtra; ULONGcbResultExtra; ISpPhrase* pPhrase; ISpRecoContext* pRecoContext;} SPPHRASEALTREQUEST;
- ulStartElement
Starting element in the original phrase of the span for which to retrieve alternates. - cElements
Number of elements in the original phrase of the span for which to retrieve alternates. - ulRequestAltCount
Maximum number of alternates to use. - pvResultExtra
Pointer to private SR engine data. This value can be NULL if no data has been supplied. - cbResultExtra
Size, in bytes, of the private SR engine data specified by pvResultExtra. This value can be 0 if no data has been supplied. - pPhrase
Pointer to an object implementing ISpPhrase that represents the original recognition phrase as sent from the SR engine. - pRecoContext
Pointer to an object implementing ISpRecoContext that represents the speech recognition context. This context allows the alternate analyzer to communicate with the SR engine.
OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.1 and later.
Header: Sapi.h, Sapi.idl.
See Also
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