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This structure is used to describe a method or property.

typedef struct FARSTRUCT tagMETHODDATA {
  OLECHAR FAR* szName;
  DISPID dispid;
  unsigned int iMeth;
  unsigned int cArgs;
  unsigned short wFlags;
  VARTYPE vtReturn;


  • szName
    Null-terminated string that contains the method name.
  • ppData
    Parameters for the method. The first parameter is ppdata[0], and so on.
  • dispid
    Identifier of the method, as used in IDispatch.
  • iMeth
    Index of the method in the VTBL of the interface. The indexes start with 0.
  • cc
    Specifies the calling convention. The CDECL and Pascal calling conventions are supported by the dispatch interface creation functions.
  • cArgs
    Number of arguments for the method.
  • wFlags
    Flags that indicate whether the method is used for getting or setting a property. DISPATCH_METHOD indicates that this is not used for a property. DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET indicates that the method is used to get a property value. DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT indicates that the method is used to set the value of a property. DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF indicates that the method is used to make the property refer to a passed-in object.
  • vtReturn
    Return type for the method.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Oleauto.h.

See Also

Automation Structures | IDispatch

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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