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This function returns the CLSID of the DLL that implements the proxy and stub for the specified interface.

  REFIID riid,
  CLSID* pclsid 


  • riid
    [in] The interface whose proxy/stub CLSID is to be returned.
  • pclsid
    [out] Where to store the proxy/stub CLSID for the interface specified by riid.

Return Values

  • S_OK
    The proxy/stub CLSID was successfully returned.
    One of the parameters is invalid.
    There is insufficient memory to complete this operation.


The CoGetPSClsid function looks at the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Interfaces\{ string form of riid }\ProxyStubClsid32 key in the registry to determine the CLSID of the DLL to load in order to create the proxy and stub for the interface specified by riid. This function also returns the CLSID for any interface IID registered by CoRegisterPSClsid within the current process.

To determine whether the platform supports this function, see Determining Supported COM APIs.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Objbase.h.
Link Library: Ole32.lib.

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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