TCP/IP and WinInet (Windows CE 5.0)
WinInet provides base Internet functionality for Microsoft® Windows® CE-based operating systems, including support for FTP Client, Autodial, Passport, Internet Explorer 6, and the MSXML parser. The WinInet API handles all communication between an application and Windows Sockets (Winsock), reducing the overhead associated with establishing and maintaining the communications session. WinInet for Microsoft Windows CE supports the HTTP and FTP Internet protocols, but does not support the Gopher protocol.
Consider using WinInet for single-user applications that need the following:
- FTP functionality
- Cookie persistence
- Caching
- Automatic credential dialog box handling
- Internet Explorer compatibility
- Downlevel operating system support
For server implementation or services, use Microsoft® Windows® HTTP Services (WinHTTP) instead of WinInet.
See Also
TCP/IP Support in Windows CE | Windows Internet Services (WinInet) | TCP/IP and WinHTTP | Windows Sockets
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