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OBEX Registry Settings (Windows CE 5.0)

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The registry stores information necessary to configure the system for applications and hardware devices. The registry also contains information that the operating system (OS) continually references during operation.

Note   The default registry values vary depending on which Catalog items are included in your OS design. For more information, see Default Registry Settings.

Enables OBEX IrDA hint bit

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\IrDA registry key.

Value Description
Hints: REG_DWORD Default setting is hexadecimal 8224. This DWORD indicates the device's IrDA capabilities. When two devices want to establish an IrDA connection, they exchange capabilities by using this value. Some devices require that specific capabilities are supported, and will not connect if the required support is not present.

The following list shows the meaning of the first two digits of the value. These can be used in combination. For example, in the default setting, 82 indicates that there is another byte of capabilities, and that this is a PDA or palmtop device.

  • 0x01 indicates that this device is PnP Compatible.
  • 0x02 indicates that this device is a PDA/palmtop.
  • 0x04 indicates that this device is a Computer.
  • 0x08 indicates that this device is a Printer.
  • 0x10 indicates that this device is a Modem.
  • 0x20 indicates that this device is a Fax.
  • 0x40 indicates that this device is provides LAN Access.
  • 0x80 indicates that there is another byte of capabilities.

The following list shows the meaning of the second two digits of the value. These can be used in combination. For example, in the default setting, 24 indicates IrObex and IrCOMM.

  • 0x01 indicates that this device supports Telephony.
  • 0x02 indicates that this device supports File Server.
  • 0x04 indicates that this device supports IrCOMM.
  • 0x08 is reserved.
  • 0x10 is reserved.
  • 0x20 indicates that this device supports IrOBEX.
  • 0x40 is reserved.
  • 0x80 indicates that there is another byte of capabilities.

IrDA and Bluetooth Transports

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex\Transports\{30a7bc02-59b6-40bb-aa2b-89eb49ef274e} registry key.

Value Description
Name: REG_SZ Default Setting is IRDA. Specifies the IrDA transport.

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex\Transports\{30a7bc03-59b6-40bb-aa2b-89eb49ef274e} registry key.

Value Description
Name: REG_SZ Default Setting is Bluetooth. Specifies the Bluetooth transport.

Enable the OBEX Server

Based on registry entries, OBEX is registered with Services.exe during device start up. The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Services\OBEX registry key.

Value Description
DLL: REG_SZ Default Setting is OBEXSrVr.dll. The Dynamic-link library (DLL) file to be loaded.
Keep: REG_DWORD Default Setting is 1. Specifies whether to postpone loading the DLL after initialization. When this DWORD value is zero (0), the DLL is loaded immediately.
Order: REG_DWORD Default Setting is 9. The order in which the service is loaded. The service with the lowest DWORD value is loaded first.
Prefix: REG_SZ Default Setting is OBX. Prefix of the DLL to be loaded.
Index: REG_DWORD Default Setting is zero (0). Service index.

For more information about how these values are used when the system starts, see Services.exe at System Startup.

OBEX Server Options

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex registry key.

Value Description
DebugOutputMask: REG_DWORD Default Setting is zero (0). The mask of enabled debug zones. The following list shows the DWORD values you can use:
  • 0x00010000 to mask output errors
  • 0x00020000to mask output warnings
  • 0x00040000 to mask output packets
  • 0x00080000 to mask output protocols
  • 0x00100000 to mask output initialization information.
  • 0x00200000 to mask output maintenance work.
DebugOutputChannels: REG_DWORD Default Setting is 4. The mask of OBEX debug output channels. DWORD.
protocols: REG_SZ Default Setting is bth,irda.

To remove or add protocols, you can change this value. For example, if you want only IrDA, change the value to irda. Then, restart OBEX with the new settings by issuing IOCTL_SERVICE_REFRESH.

IsEnabled: REG_DWORD Default Setting is zero (0). The status of the OBEX Server. This value can be either zero (0) (Disabled) or 1 (Enabled).

For information about how to disable Obex, see Server Support.

Obex Default Inbox

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex\Services\{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} registry key.

Value Description
BaseDir: REG_SZ Default Setting is \\My Documents\\DefaultInbox. The directory where the inbox server puts files.
DisableUI: REG_DWORD Default DWORD value is 0. When this value is 1, all UI prompts are disabled, except for the upload and overwrite prompts. (Upload and overwrite prompts can be disabled using the PromptBeforeUpload and PromptForOverwrite registry settings.)
Server: REG_SZ Default Setting is obexinbx.dll.
BluetoothSdpRecord: REG_HEX A record sent to SDP for OBEX. Default Setting is:








PromptBeforeUpload: REG_DWORD Default DWORD value is 1. When this value is 1, the Server prompts the user to accept the file. If this value is zero (0), this security check is disabled.
PromptForOverwrite: REG_DWORD Default DWORD value is 1. When this value is 1, the Server prompts the user to overwrite a file. If this value is zero (0), this security check is disabled.

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex\Services\{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}\MimeTypes registry key.

Value Description
DefaultFile: REG_SZ Default is vCard. A string that specifies the default file to send.
DLL: REG_SZ A string that indicates the dll of the service header to load. After the DLL is loaded, getProcAddress is called for the ObexInboxClient.
Extension: REG_SZ Default is .vcd. A string of file extensions for the MIME type.

Obex File Server

The following table shows the registry values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Obex\Services\{f9ec7bc4-953c-11d2-984e-525400dc9e09} registry key.

Value Description
BaseDir: REG_SZ Default Setting is \\Temp\\Ftp. The directory where the FTP Server puts files.
Server: REG_SZ Default Setting is obexfile.dll. The OBEX file server DLL..
CanWrite Default Setting is zero (0). Specifies whether the file server allows read/write access. This value is zero (0) for read only access. When the value is any value other than zero (0), the file server allows read and write access.
BluetoothSdpRecord: REG_HEX A record sent to SDP for OBEX.

Default Setting is:






Password: REG_SZ The password, which is a string in non-encrypted text.
Authenticate: REG_DWORD This value is a DWORD. If this value is zero (0), then no authentication is required.
Transport Authenticate: REG_DWORD This value is a DWORD. This value requests transport authentication.

See Also

Object Exchange Protocol

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