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IeXdi2Mem::GetStdRegAlias (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method returns the CPU specific register that corresponds to a specified standard register.

HRESULT GetStdRegAlias(  LPOLESTR szStdRegName,  LPOLESTR* pszRegName);


  • szStdRegName
    [in] Standard register name.

    The following table shows possible values for szStdRegName.

    Value Description
    sStdReg_SP Register that contains the stack pointer
    StdReg_IP Register that contains the instruction pointer
    StdReg_FP Register that contains the frame pointer
    StdReg_RA Register that contains the return address
  • pszRegName
    [out] Pointer to the corresponding CPU-specific register name.

Return Values

The following table shows return values for this method.

Value Description
S_OK Indicates the function was successful.
E_FAIL Indicates an unspecified failure.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Indicates an out of memory error.
E_INVALIDARG Indicates one or more invalid arguments.
EXDI_E_COMMUNICATION Indicates a communication error between host driver and debugging target.


The buffer for szStdRegName is allocated by CoTaskMemAlloc.

To avoid resource leaking, use CoTaskMemFree to free the task memory used by the buffer for szStdRegName.

The following example shows how you might use CoTaskMemFree to release the memory held for the return buffers.

LPOLESTR szStdRegName;
HRESULT hr = pieXdi2Mem->GetStdRegAlias (SZ_STD_REG_SP, &szStdRegName);
if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
    // Use cpu specific register name ...
    CoTaskMemFree (szStdRegName);
    szStdRegName = 0;


OS Version: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: eXDI2.h.
Link Library: ole32.lib oleaut32.lib.

See Also

IeXDI2 Interfaces

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