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TreeView_SelectDropTarget (Windows CE 5.0)

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This macro redraws a specified tree-view control item in the style used to indicate the target of a drag-and-drop operation. You can use this macro or the TreeView_Select macro, or you can send the TVM_SELECTITEM message explicitly.

BOOLTreeView_SelectDropTarget(hwnd,hitem );


  • hwnd
    Handle to the tree view control.
  • hitem
    Handle to an item. If the hitem parameter is NULL, the control is set to have no selected item.

Return Values

TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure.


If the specified item is the child of a collapsed parent item, the parent's list of child items is expanded to reveal the specified item. In this case, the parent window receives the TVN_ITEMEXPANDING and TVN_ITEMEXPANDED messages.

Using the TreeView_SelectDropTarget macro is equivalent to sending the TVM_SELECTITEM message with its flag parameter set to the TVGN_DROPHILITE value.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Commctrl.h.

See Also


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