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This message maps the index of an item to a unique identifier (ID).

To send this message, call the SendMessage function.

lResult = SendMessage(    (HWND) hWndControl,    (UINT) LVM_MAPINDEXTOID,    (WPARAM) wParam,    // = (WPARAM) (UINT) index;   (LPARAM) lParam     // = 0; not used, must be zero);


  • index
    UINT that contains the index of an item.
  • lParam
    Must be zero.

Return Value

Returns a unique ID.


List-view controls internally track items by index. This can present problems because indexes can change during the control's lifetime.

The list-view control can tag an item with an ID when the item is created. You can use this ID to guarantee uniqueness during the lifetime of the list-view control.

**Note   **In a multithreaded environment, the index is only guaranteed on the thread that hosts the list-view control, not on background threads.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Commctrl.h.

See Also

List-View Controls Messages

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