TAPI Constants (Windows CE 5.0)
The following table shows the TAPI constants with a description of the purpose of each.
Programming elements | Description |
LINEADDRCAPFLAGS | These bit-flag constants are used in the dwAddrCapFlags member of the LINEADDRESSCAPS data structure to describe various Boolean address capabilities. |
LINEADDRESSMODE | These bit-flag constants describe various ways of identifying an address on a line device. |
LINEADDRESSSHARING | These bit-flag constants describe various ways an address can be shared between lines. |
LINEADDRESSSTATE | These bit-flag constants describe various address status items. |
LINEADDRESSTYPE | The address type identifies address format, such as standard phone number or e-mail address. |
LINEADDRFEATURE | These constants list the operations that can be invoked on an address. |
LINEANSWERMODE | These bit-flag constants describe how an existing active call on a line device is affected by answering another offering call on the same line. |
LINEBEARERMODE | These bit-flag constants describe different bearer modes of a call. |
LINEBUSYMODE | These bit-flag constants describe different busy signals that the switch or network can generate. |
LINECALLCOMPLCOND | These bit-flag constants describe the conditions under which a call can be completed. |
LINECALLCOMPLMODE | These bit-flag constants describe different ways in which a call can be completed. |
LINECALLFEATURE | These constants indicate operations that can be invoked for a given address or call. |
LINECALLFEATURE2 | These bit-flag constants describe the supplemental features available for conferencing, transferring, and parking calls. |
LINECALLINFOSTATE | These bit-flag constants describe various call information items about which an application can be notified in the LINE_CALLINFO message. |
LINECALLORIGIN | These bit-flag constants describe the origin of a call. |
LINECALLPARAMFLAGS | These constants describe various status flags about a call. |
LINECALLPARTYID | These bit-flag constants describe the nature of the information available about the parties involved in a call. |
LINECALLPRIVILEGE | These bit-flag constants describe the kinds of access rights or privileges an application with a call handle may have to the corresponding call. |
LINECALLREASON | These bit-flag constants describe the reason for a call. |
LINECALLSELECT | These bit-flag constants describe which calls are to be selected. |
LINECALLSTATE | These bit-flag constants describe the call states a call can be in. |
LINECALLTREATMENT | These constants describe treatments for calls that are unanswered or on hold. Except for basic parameter validation, call treatment is a straight pass-through by TAPI to the service provider. |
LINECONNECTEDMODE | These bit-flag constants describe different substates of a connected call. |
LINEDEVCAPFLAGS | These bit-flag constants are a collection of Booleans describing various line device capabilities. |
LINEDEVSTATE | These bit-flag constants describe various line status events. |
LINEDEVSTATUSFLAGS | These bit-flag constants describe a collection of Boolean line device status items. |
LINEDIALTONEMODE | These bit-flag constants describe different types of dial tones. A special dial tone typically carries a special meaning (as with message waiting). |
LINEDIGITMODE | These constants describe different types of inband digit generation. |
LINEDISCONNECTMODE | These bit-flag constants describe different reasons for a remote disconnect request. |
LINEERR | The following list contains the list error codes that TAPI can return when invoking operations on lines, addresses, or calls. |
LINEFEATURE | These constants list the operations that can be invoked on a line using this API. |
LINEFORWARDMODE | These bit-flag constants describe the conditions under which calls to an address can be forwarded. |
LINEGATHERTERM | These bit-flag constants describe the conditions under which buffered digit gathering is terminated. |
LINEGENERATETERM | These bit-flag constants describe the conditions under which digit or tone generation is terminated. |
LINEINITIALIZEEXOPTION | These ordinal constants specify which event notification mechanism to use when initializing a session. |
LINELOCATIONOPTION | These constants define values used in the dwOptions member of the LINELOCATIONENTRY structure returned as part of the LINETRANSLATECAPS structure returned by lineGetTranslateCaps. |
LINEMEDIACONTROL | These bit-flag constants describe a set of generic operations on media streams. |
LINEMEDIAMODE | These constants describe media types (or modes) of a communications session or call. |
LINEOFFERINGMODE | These bit-flag constants for TAPI versions 1.4 and later, describe different substates of an offering call. |
LINEOPENOPTION | These constants describe the available options for opening a line. |
LINEPARKMODE | These bit-flag constants describe different ways of parking calls. |
LINEREMOVEFROMCONF | These scalar constants describe how parties participating in a conference call can be removed from a conference call. |
LINEROAMMODE | These bit-flag constants describe the roaming status of a line device. |
LINESPECIALINFO | These bit-flag constants describes special information signals that the network can use to report various reporting and network observation operations. |
LINETERMDEV | These bit-flag constants describe different types of terminal devices. |
LINETERMMODE | These bit-flag constants describe different types of events on a phone line that can be routed to a terminal device. |
LINETERMSHARING | These bit-flag constants describe different ways in which a terminal can be shared between line devices, addresses, or calls. |
LINETOLLLISTOPTION | These bit-flag constants describe options for manipulating a toll list. |
LINETONEMODE | These constants describe different selections that are used when generating line tones. |
LINETRANSFERMODE | These bit-flag constants describe different ways of resolving call transfer requests. |
LINETRANSLATEOPTION | These bit-flag constant describes an option used by address translation. |
LINETRANSLATERESULT | These bit-flag constants describe various results of an address translation. |
PHONEBUTTONFUNCTION | These scalar constants describe the functions commonly assigned to buttons on telephone sets. |
PHONEBUTTONMODE | These bit-flag constants describe the button classes. |
PHONEBUTTONSTATE | These bit-flag constants describe the button's positions. |
PHONEERR | The PHONEERR constants consist of a list of error codes that the implementation can return when invoking operations on phone devices. |
PHONEFEATURE | These constants list the operations that can be invoked on a phone using TAPI. |
PHONEHOOKSWITCHDEV | These bit-flag constants describe various audio I/O devices each with its own hookswitch controllable from the computer. |
PHONEHOOKSWITCHMODE | These bit-flag constants describe the microphone and speaker components of a hookswitch device. |
PHONEINITIALIZEEXOPTION | These constants specify which event notification mechanism to use when initializing a session. |
PHONELAMPMODE | These bit-flag constants describe various ways in which a phone's lamp can be lit. |
PHONEPRIVILEGE | These bit-flag constants describe the various ways in which a phone device can be opened. |
PHONESTATE | These bit-flag constants describe various status items for a phone device. |
PHONESTATUSFLAGS | These bit-flag constants describe a variety of phone device status information. |
STRINGFORMAT | These constants describe different string formats. |
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