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Classes Created by the Add-in Wizard (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Platform Builder Add-in Wizard creates multiple classes for each add-in. When you open the add-in in the Visual Studio IDE, these classes appear in the ClassView pane, and they represent the source files produced for the add-in. You can change the add-in by modifying these files or by adding members to these classes.

Using the name MyAddin for the newly created add-in, the following table describes these files.

Class name Description
CCommands Implements the Icommands interface. In the CCommands class, you add the methods that Visual Studio uses to carry out commands added by the add-in.
CPBAddIn Implements the IDSAddIn interface declared in header files provided with Visual C++.

This interface exposes the PBAddIn Object that the add-in uses to communicate with the IDE.

Cadd-in_nameApp Registers and initializes the add-in.
ICommands Specifies the interface defined by the Commands Object.

Through this interface, Visual C++ carries out commands added by the add-in.

See Also

Add-in Wizard Results | Commands Object | PBAddIn Object

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