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Common Windows CE Modules (Windows CE 5.0)

The following table shows the modules that constitute the Windows CE OS. A module that has public functions or components is linked to topics that describe the module in greater detail.

Module Description Note Library
1394bus Bus services for the IEEE 1394 bus. Not applicable. 1394bus.lib
1394dcam Sample non-AV/C Web Camera Driver. Not applicable. 1394dcam.lib
1394diag IEEE 1394 Test Tools - Diagnostics Driver. Not applicable. 1394diag.lib
1394ohcd OHCI host controller driver for the IEEE1394 bus. Not applicable. 1394ohcd.lib
1394vdev IEEE 1394 Test Tools - Diagnostics Virtual Driver. Not applicable. 1394vdev.lib
61883 Sample 61883 driver that handles function control protocol (FCP), common isochronous packet (CIP) format, and connection management procedure (CMP) requests sent down the AV/C driver stack. Not applicable. 61883.lib
8042keyboard The PS/2 8042 keyboard controller. This is an alias that builds the following keyboard drivers: Kbd8042US, Kbd8042Jpn1, Kbd8042Jpn2, and Kbd8042Kor. These are all localized keyboards based on the 8042 keyboard controller. Not applicable. Not applicable.
afd Supports the Auxiliary Function Driver (AFD), the Windows CE protocol manager. The AFD handles loading and management of the networking components. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the kernel-version and in the full-version OS. Afd.lib
asyncmac WAN miniport driver that enables PPP connections over a dial up network Exposes no public functions. Asyncmac.lib
atadisk Supports the Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA) disk drive interface standard. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Atadisk.lib
atapi Driver for IDE controllers supporting both ATA and ATAPI command sets. Not applicable. atapi_lib.lib
audiodrv Sample audio drivers. Not applicable. audio.lib
autodial Provides support for the automatic dialing part of Internet Connection Sharing (ICS). For more information, see ICS Functions. Exposes no public functions. Autodial.lib
autoras Provides autodial functionality to applications. Not applicable. autoras.lib
avc Sample AV/C driver. Not applicable. avc.lib
avc_stream Sample AV/C Streaming Filter Driver. Not applicable. avc_stream.lib
avc_unit AVC Virtual Subunit Core. For more information, see IEEE 1394 Unit Filter Driver Functions. Not applicable. avc_unit.lib
avc_vcr Sample AV/C VCR Subunit driver. Not applicable. avc_vcr.lib
avc_vvcr Sample AV/C VCR Virtual Subunit driver. Not applicable. avc_vvcr.lib
battdrvr Sample null battery driver. Not applicable. battdrvr.lib
binfs Binary ROM Image File System (BinFS). Not applicable. binfs.lib
bridge Sample utility for configuring the network bridge. Not applicable. bridgeexe.lib
btaudiogw Bluetooth audio gateway implementation. For more information, see Audio Gateway Service. Not applicable. btaudiogw.lib
btd Device driver that contains all layers of the stack. It is loaded in device.exe and is used by the AFD as a Transport Driver Interface(TDI)provider. It also implements the streamer part of the COM emulation port. For more information, see Bluetooth HCI Transport Layer Functions. Not applicable. btd.lib
btdrt Provides the application programming interface (API) to Bluetooth user programs. For more information, see Bluetooth OS Functions and Bluetooth Interfaces. Not applicable. btdrt.lib
bthhid Bluetooth HID driver implementation. Not applicable. bthhid.lib
btloader Bluetooth loader application. For more information, see Device Driver Management Sample. Not applicable. btloader.lib
btmodem Bluetooth modem proxy. Not applicable. btmodem.lib
btsvc Bluetooth service sample. For more information, see Boot-time Service Activation Sample. Not applicable. btsvc.lib
bulltlp3 Supports the Bull TLP3 Serial smart card reader. For more information, see Smart Card Subsystem. Exposes no public functions. Bulltlp3.lib
cacjpn Enables character input based on all-character list (Shift-JIS and Unicode). For more information, see Japanese IM Handwriting Panels. Not applicable. Cacjpn.lib
ceddk Sample ceddk driver. Not applicable. ceddk_lib.lib
cegsm Provides audio-compression support. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Cegsm.lib
cerdisp Supports the CE Remote Display (CERDisp) application that displays a Windows CE device screen on a remote desktop. Works with the CE Remote Display Host (CERHost) application. cerdisp.lib
cetsc Provides support for the Windows Terminal Server and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). For more information, see Windows CE Terminal Services Client (CETSC). Exposes no public functions. Not applicable
cewdmmgr IEEE1394 support library. Not applicable. cewdmmgr.lib
chajeiim Supports an input method (IM) with a soft keyboard that allows Chang Jei input. For more information, see Traditional Chinese Input Methods. Exposes no public functions. Chajeiim.lib
cmd Supports the command processor. This module is required for the implementation of a command-line shell. For more information, see Command Processor. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Cmd.lib
commctrl Supports the common controls Control Panel. This module is included in the full-version OS. Commctrl.lib
commdlg Supports common dialog boxes, which are system-defined dialog boxes that standardize how users perform common, complex operations. This module is included in the full-version OS. Commdlg.lib
connmc Implements the Network and Dial-up Connections application. For more information, see Connmc. Not applicable. connmc.lib
conshid Sample consumer controls HID driver. For more information, see HID Driver Functions. Not applicable. conshid_lib.lib
console Supports console functionality. This module is required to implement a command-line shell. For more information, see Command Processor. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Console.lib
coredll Provides core functionality to other modules. This module is a basic Windows CE OS module. Must be included in all Windows CE–based OS designs, but not all of its components are required. Coredll.lib
crypt32 Supports CryptoAPI 2.0 encryption. For more information, see Certificates Functions. Optional. This module is included in the full-version OS. Crypt32.lib
cryptdll The encryption helper library for kerberos. Exposes no public functions. Cryptdll.lib
cxport Supports common transport utilities. For more information, see Kernel Memory Allocated for Use by the Networking Stack. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the kernel-version and in the full-version OS. Cxport.lib
dc21x4 NDIS miniport driver for DEC 2114x chipset. For more information, see Ethernet Debug Libraries. Not applicable. dec21140dbg.lib
device Supports the device manager, which is an application that manages stream interface drivers. This module is included in all Windows CE–based OS designs. This module is included in the kernel-version and in the full-version OS. Device.lib
dhcp Supports the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). This module is for the Client only. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the kernel-version and in the full-version OS. Dhcp.lib
dot11emu Emulated 802.11 driver. Not applicable. dot11emu.lib
dp83815 Sample dp83815 network card driver. Not applicable. dp83815.lib
eap Implements Extensible Authentication Protocol framework. Not applicable. eap.lib
eapchap EAP provider for Challenge-Handshake authentication protocol. Not applicable. eapchap.lib
eapol EAP module for 802.1x support. Not applicable. eapol.lib
eaptls EAP provider for Transport Layer Security (TLS) For more information, see EAP-TLS Support. Not applicable. eaptls.lib
enroll Sample certificate enrollment utility. Exposes no public functions. Enroll.lib
etcha Includes a sample drawing application. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Etcha.lib
ethman Sample application that provides network status and wireless configuration information. It includes the System tray icon and dialog box that displays network status. For more information, see Ethman. Not applicable. ethman.lib
fatfs Supports the file allocation table (FAT) file system. Exposes OEM functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Fatui.lib, Fatmain.lib
fatfsd FAT Filesystem driver. Not applicable. fatfsd.lib
fatutil Defines classes that support the FAT file system. Exposes no public functions. Fatutil_lib.lib
filesys Supports the Windows CE file system. This module contains a set of components. Contains a set of components. This module is required for the kernel-version and full-version OS. Fsdbase.lib, Fsmain.lib, Fspass.lib, Fsreg.lib, Fsysram.lib,
fonts Supports fonts for Windows CE. Not applicable. Not applicable
fw6 IP Firewall driver. Not applicable. fw6.lib
fwapi Implements the IP Firewall configuration API. Not applicable. fwapi.lib
gb18030 Provides support for target devices that access Web content or receive content from desktop operating systems that have GB18030-based content. Converts this content to a native encoding that the operating system is able to display. For more information, see GB18030 Data Converter. Not applicable. gb18030.lib
giisr Sample Generic Installable ISR (GIISR) driver. Not applicable. giisr_lib.lib
gsm610 Provides support for Audio Compression Manager (ACM) drivers. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Gsm610.lib
gwes Supports the Graphics, Windowing, and Events Subsystem (GWES), which is an integrated graphics device interface (GDI), window manager, and event manager. This module contains a set of components. Contains a set of components. This module is required for the kernel-version and in the full-version OS. Not applicable
hidparse HID descriptor and report parser. Not applicable. hidparse_lib.lib
httpdadm Provides a simple administration tool that allows a Web server to be configured remotely through a Web browser. Exposes no public functions. Httpdadm.lib
httplite Provides a more basic version of Windows Internet Services (WinInet). Not applicable. httplite.lib
hwxcht Provides support for Traditional Chinese handwriting input. For more information, see Traditional Chinese Input Methods. This module is included in the full-version OS. Hwxcht.lib
hwxjpn Provides support for Japanese handwriting input. For more information, see Japanese IM Handwriting Panels. This module is included in the full-version OS. Hwxjpn.lib
hwxkor Provides support for Korean handwriting input. This module is included in the full-version OS. Hwxkor.lib
hwxusa Provides support for English handwriting input. This module is included in the full-version OS. Hwxusa.lib
imejpp Japanese Pocket IME kernel code. Not applicable. imejpp .lib
imejpp_dic_n Provides the Japanese Pocket IME. Not applicable. imejpp_dic_n.lib
imejpp_dic_s Supports Japanese Pocket IME. Not applicable. imejpp_dic_s.lib
imejppui Sample Japanese Pocket IME user interface. Not applicable. imejppui.lib
imeskdic Supports the back-end dictionary engine that is attached to the IM. For more information, see Japanese IM Search Panels. Not applicable. imeskdic.lib
inksamp A sample touch screen driver-testing application. For more information, see Transcriber Handwriting Recognition Application OS Design Development. Not applicable. inksamp.lib
inksamp2 A sample touch screen driver-testing application. Not applicable. inksamp2.lib
ipconfig Supports the diagnostic ipconfig command, which displays all of the current TCP/IP network-configuration values. Exposes no public functions. Ipconfig.lib
iphlpapi Implements the IP Helper API. Exposes a set of APIs. Iphlpapi.lib
ipnat Provides support forInternet Connection Sharing. Exposes no public functions. Ipnat.lib
ipsec Implements IP Security Protocol (IPSec v4). Used by L2TP to provide confidentiality and data integrity protection. Not applicable. ipsec.lib
ipsecsvc Provides configuration and key management for IPSec services. Implements the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol. For more information, see IKE Authentication. Not applicable. ceipsec.lib, ipsecspd.lib, ipsecshr.lib, oakley.lib
ipv6 Command line utility that configures the IPv6 protocol and enables user to query and configure interfaces, addresses, caches, and routes. For more information, Internet Protocol Version 6. Exposes no public functions. Ipv6.lib
ipv6hlp Provides automatic configuration for supported IPv6 tunneling mechanisms, specifically 6to4 and ISATAP. Exposes no public functions. Ipv6hlp.lib
ipv6tun Command line utility that configures the 6to4 and ISATAP tunneling capabilities. For more information, see IPv6tun. Exposes no public functions. Ipv6tun.lib
ircomm Provides an infrared implementation of the serial line communication driver.

For more information, see Infrared Communications.

Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Ircomm.lib
irdastk Represents the protocol module for Infrared (IrDA) communications. For more information, seeNDIS IrDA Objects. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version and in the kernel-version OS. Irtdi.lib,
kbdhid Sample HID keyboard driver (kbdhid). For more information, see HID Drivers. Not applicable. kbdhid_lib.lib
kbdmsg Includes a sample keyboard sample-testing application. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Kbdmsg.lib
kbdtest Sample keyboard test application. For more information, see Keyboard Test Cases. Not applicable. kbdtest.lib
kerberos Security Support Provider that implements the Kerberos authentication protocol. For more information, see Kerberos Security Support Provider. Exposes no public functions. Kerberos.lib
keybd Sample keyboard driver. For more information, see Keyboard Driver Samples. Not applicable. keybddist.lib
l2tp Implements Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP). L2TP provides secure VPN capability. Not applicable. l2tp.lib
largekb Sample keyboard that includes a soft keyboard with bigger buttons. Not applicable. largekb.lib
lmemdebug Memory Leak tracking sample. Not applicable. lmemdebug.lib
loaddbg An executable that dynamically loads kd.dll, osaxst0.dll, and osaxst1.dll to enable JIT debugging. For more information, see JIT Debugging Setup. Not applicable. loaddbg.lib
lpcd Supports the main engine for the local procedure-call driver (LPCD). Exposes no public functions. Lpcd.lib
lpcrt Provides run-time support for the LPCRT. Exposes no public functions. Lpcclnt.lib
mboxcht Provides a sample input method for Traditional Chinese handwriting. For more information, see Traditional Chinese Input Methods. Exposes no public functions. Mboxcht.lib
mboxkor Provides a sample input method for Korean IME and HWXKOR. Exposes no public functions. Mboxkor.lib
mbridge Implements 802.3 network bridging. Not applicable. mbridge.lib
mmtimer Multimedia timer library. Exposes no public functions. Mmtimer.lib
mouhid Sample HID mouse driver. Not applicable. mouhid_lib.lib
msallchar Enables character input based on all-character list (Shift-JIS and Unicode). Not applicable. MsAllchar.lib
msasn1 Provides ASN.1 support for CryptoAPI and Kerberos. Exposes no public functions. Msasn.lib
msfilter Includes a sample ACM filter. For more information, see Sample ACM Drivers. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Msfilter.lib
msim Supports the United States input method (IM). Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Msim.lib
mskana Supports an on-screen keyboard that enables input of Hiragana and Katakana. Exposes no public functions. Mskana.lib
mskana Japanese on-screen keyboard for Katakana. Not applicable. mskana.lib
mspart Partition driver. Not applicable. mspart.lib
msradlist Enables character input based on radical search. Exposes no public functions. Msradlist.lib
msroma Supports an on-screen keyboard that enables input of the western alphabet. Exposes no public functions. Msroma.lib
msstrklist Enables character input based on character stroke search. Exposes no public functions. Msstrklist.lib
multibox Includes a sample input method for Japanese handwriting input. This module works with the MSIME98 module. For more information, see Japanese Input Methods. Exposes no public functions. This module requires the Softkb.dll and Hwxjpn.dll files. Multibox.lib
multimon Includes OS components to support multiple screens. Not applicable. multimon_lib.lib
ndis Supports the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS). This module is included in the full-version and in the kernel-version OS. Ndislib.lib
ndisconfig Sample NDIS configuration utility. Not applicable. ndisconfig.lib
ndispwr Sample driver for NDIS power management. Not applicable. ndispwr.lib
ndisuio NDIS user I/O utility. Not applicable. ndisuio.lib
ne2000 Supports the NE2000 NDIS miniport driver. For more information, see NDIS Miniport Driver Samples. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version and in the kernel-version OS. Ne2000.lib
net Supports the "net" command run from the cmd prompt. Exposes no public functions. Net.lib
net2890 NET2890 USB interface controller.   net2890lib.lib
netbios Supports NetBIOS over TCP/IP. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version and in the kernel-version OS. Netbios.lib
netmui Multiple User Interface resource DLL for network drivers. Not applicable. netmui.lib
netstat Network statistics utility. For more information, see Netstat. Not applicable. netstat.lib
netui Supports the Network User Interface (NetUI) module that contains sample UI for dialog boxes used by the networking and driver components. Exposes OEM functions. This module is included in the full-version and in the kernel-version OS. Netui.lib
nk Kernel module for the Windows CE OS. This module is required always. Required for all Windows CE–based OS designs. Nk.lib
nopkeyboard Hardware-independent keyboard driver. Not applicable. nop_kbdcommon.lib
nspm The default Domain Name Service (DNS) namespace provider. Not applicable. nspm
ntlmssp Security Support Provider that implements the NTLM authentication protocol. This module is included in the full-version and in the kernel-version OS. Ntlmssp.lib
nwifi Part of the Wireless Access Point (WAP) functionality Not applicable. nwifi.lib
ole32 Provides support for OLE. This module is included in the full-version and in the kernel-version OS. Ole232.lib
oleaut32 Provides support for OLE automation. This module is included in the full-version and in the kernel-version OS. Oleaut32.lib
oneex Part of the 802.11 access point functionality. Not applicable. oneex.lib
parallel Supports parallel port drivers. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Parallel.lib
pcl Supports Printer Control Language (PCL) printer drivers. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Pcl.lib
pcmcia Sample pcmcia driver. This module is a build alias for components i82365, ti1250, and ti1250isr. It builds the PCMCIA bus driver for the I82365 (ISA) and the TI1250 (PCI) controllers. I82365_lib.lib, Ti1250_lib.lib, Ti1250isr_lib.lib
pcmconv Includes a PCM bit/sample rate ACM conversion codec. Exposes no public functions. Pcmconv.lib
pcx500 Cisco Systems Wireless LAN Adapter (PCX500). Not applicable. pcx500.lib
pegterm Supports Terminal Emulator, a Windows CE–based application for imitating the function of a computer terminal. For more information, see Pegterm. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Pegterm.lib
phonim Supports phonetic input based on the Bopomofo standard. For more information, see Traditional Chinese Input Methods. Exposes no public functions. Phonim.lib
pime_files Provides support for the Japanese Pocket IME. Exposes no public functions. Not applicable
ping Supports the Ping network command utility. For more information, see Ping. Exposes no public functions. Ping.lib
pm Supports post messages. Not applicable. Pm.lib
ppp Supports the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) and provides Remote Access Server (RAS) functionality. For more information, see Scripting Functions. This module is included in the kernel-version and in the full-version OS. Ppp.lib
pppoe Supports the PPP over Ethernet protocol. Not applicable. pppoe.lib
pptp Supports the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP). Exposes no public functions. Pptp.lib
prnerr Supports printer-port error information and printer-port dialog boxes. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Prnerr.lib
prnport Supports the printer transport layer. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Prnport.lib
pscr Supports the PSCR driver. This driver is used for the SCM PCMCIA Smart Card reader. Exposes no public functions. Pscr.lib
rapiserv Supports the Remote Application Programming Interface (RAPI) server. For more information, see Remote Application Programming Interface (RAPI) Reference. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS, and, along with the repllog module, must be included in the OS design to make calls to RAPI APIs. Rapisrv.lib
rasdial Sample RAS dialing program. For more information, see Dial-up Samples. Exposes no public functions. Rasdial.lib
rasentry Sample application used to make RAS telephone book entries. For more information, see Phone-Book Entries. Exposes no public functions. Rasentry.lib
redir Supports the network redirector. This module is included in the kernel-version and in the full-version OS. Redir.lib
regenum Driver loading driver that is used to load BuiltIn drivers, PCI drivers, and their services. Not applicable. Regenum_lib.lib
relfsd Platform Builder release directory file system driver for development use. Not applicable. Relfsd.lib
rnaapp Supports the remote network dialing application. For more information, see Rnaapp. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Rnaapp.lib
rndismini Sample Microsoft Remote NDIS (RNDIS) Miniport Driver. Not applicable. Rndismini.lib
rndismp Supports the RNDIS host functionality. This also requires the usb8023 module. For more information, see RNDIS Driver Implementation Guide. Not applicable. Rndismp.lib
route Supports the Route network command utility that lists and configures the TCP/IP routing tables. For more information, see Route. Exposes no public functions. Route.lib
rsaenh Provides RSA Cryptographic Service Provider functionality. Exposes no public functions. Rsa32.lib
rtl8139 Realtek RTL8139 network card driver. Not applicable. Rtl8139.lib
sbp2 IEEE1394 SBP-2 mass storage driver. For more information, IEEE 1394 SBP-2 Driver Development Concepts. Not applicable. sbp2.lib
scard Supports Smart Card PC/SC resource manager functionality. For more information, see Smart Card Subsystem. Exposes no public functions. Scard.lib
schannel Security Support Provider that implements the SSL/TLS protocol. For more information, see Schannel Security Support Provider. Exposed through Winsock and Wininet and not through SSPI. schannel.lib
scsiblk Sample SCSIBLK driver that provides a bock device interface to the system. For more information, IEEE 1394 SBP-2 Driver Development Concepts. Not applicable. scsiblk.lib
scwapi Provides low-level interface to Windows smart card. For more information, see Smart Card Samples. Not applicable. scwapi.lib
scwcsp Sample Windows smart card Cryptographic Service Provider. For more information, see Smart Card Samples. Not applicable. scwcsp.lib
scwcspgui A customizable user interface (UI) that provides the methods for tasks such as initializing the card and entering the user's personal identification number (PIN). For more information, see Smart Card Samples. Not applicable. scwcspgui.lib
sdmmc Sample Secure Digital/MultiMedia Card (SD/MMC) Storage Block driver. Not applicable. Sdmmc_lib.lib
sdnpcid NAND Flash Media Driver (FMD) for Sandisk PCI Eval Board. Not applicable. Sdnpcid_lib.lib
secur32 Supports the Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI). For more information, see Using SSPI. Exposes standard SSPI functions. This module is included in the full-version and in the kernel-version OS. Sspi.lib
serial Serial device drivers. This module is a build alias for the com16550, isr16550 com_card, and 2890_ser components. For more information, Serial Port Driver Samples. Not applicable.
setupapi Helper library for enumerating IEEE1394 bus devices. Not applicable. Setupapi.lib
shell Implements a Windows CE debugging shell tool. This module communicates with the Platform Builder Target Control window. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version and in the kernel-version OS. Shell.lib
smsc100fd Sample NDIS miniport driver for SMSC100FD chipset. For more information, see NDIS Miniport Driver Samples. Not applicable. smsc100fd.lib
snmp Supports the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Depends on the ppp module. To implement SNMP in a Windows CE-based OS design, the ppp module must be included in the OS design. Snmp.lib
snmp_hostmib Provides support for the SNMP Host Management Information Base (MIB). Exposes no public functions. Snmphostmib.lib
snmp_mibii Supports Management Information Base version II (MIB-II) for the SNMP implementation. Exposes no public functions. Snmp_mibii.lib
snmp_snmptestmib Sample test MIB for the SNMP implementation. Exposes no public functions. Snmp_snmptestmib.lib
softkb Supports the Soft Input Panel (SIP) device driver, and provides a sample soft keyboard with small buttons. For more information, see Software-based Input Panel. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Softkb.lib
spincube Includes a spinning cube sample application. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Spincube.lib
spnego Security Support Provider that implements the Negotiate authentication protocol. For more information, Negotiate Security Support Provider. Not applicable. spnego.lib
ssllsp Implements Winsock interface to SSL/TLS. Not applicable. ssllsp.lib
stcusb Supports the SCM Microsystems USB Smart Card reader. Exposes no public functions. Stcusb.lib
stratad NOR Flash Media Driver (FMD) for Strataflash. Not applicable. Stratad_lib.lib
tapi Supports the Telephony API (TAPI). This module is included in the full-version and in the kernel-version OS. Tapi.lib
tcpip6 Supports the TCP/IPv6 protocol stack. For more information, see Core Protocol Stack for IPv4. Exposes no public functions. tcpip6.lib
tcpstk Supports the TCP/IPv4 protocol stack. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version and in the kernel-version OS. Tcpstk.lib
termctrl Includes a terminal-style application. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Termctrl.lib
testime Includes a sample IME application. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Testime.lib
tfat Transaction-Safe FAT File System (TFAT). Not applicable. Tfat.lib
tktest Implements a subset of the filesys module for testing the Tiny Kernel OS design. Exposes no public functions. Tktest.lib
toolhelp Implements the ToolHelp debugger and supports the ToolHelp API functions. This module is included in the full-version and in the kernel-version OS. Toolhelp.lib
topomap IEEE 1394 Test Tools to graphically display the topology of an IEEE 1394 bus. Not applicable. Topomap.lib
tracert Command-line tool that sends Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) version 6 or ICMP Echo Request messages to produce command-line report information about each router that is crossed and the roundtrip time for each hop. For more information, see Tracert. Not applicable. tracert.lib
udfs Universal Disk Format (UDF) File system driver for combined CD and DVD file system. Not applicable. Udfs.lib
unimodem Supports the Unimodem device driver, which functions as a TAPI service provider for AT command modems. For more information, see Unimodem OS Design Development. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version and in the kernel-version OS. Unimodem.lib
usb8023 Implements the RNDIS host. This also requires the rndismp module. Not applicable. usb8023.lib
usbd Provides universal serial bus (USB) driver support. This module implements the USBD interface functions, manages resources in the USB subsystem, and loads USB device drivers. Exposes public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. To see the list of exposed functions, see Usbd.def located in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Drivers\Usb\Usbd directory.

For more information about installing USB drivers, see Installing, Attaching, and Detaching USB Drivers.

usbdisk6 Sample USB Mass Storage Class Driver. For more information, see USB Host Mass Storage Client Driver. Not applicable. Usbdisk6_lib.lib
usbhid Supports the USB human interface device (HID) driver. For more information, see HID Drivers . Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version OS. Usbhid.lib
usbhost USB Host Controller Drivers. This module is a build alias for the OHCI and UHCI host controller drivers. It builds the ohci2 and uhci components. Not applicable. Not applicable.
usbmsc Sample USB Mass Storage Class Driver. For more information, see USB Host Mass Storage Client Driver. Not applicable. Usbmsc_lib.lib
usbprn Sample USB Printer Class Driver. For more information, USB Host Printer Client Driver. Not applicable. Usbprn_lib.lib
utl98 Supports IME 98. Exposes no public functions. Utl98.lib
virtdcam Driver that emulates the behavior of an IEEE1394 digital camera. Not applicable. Virtdcam.lib
vmini Sample virtual miniport driver, that allows using the debug Ethernet port as an NDIS miniport. Not applicable. vmini.lib
waveapi Controls waveform audio capture and playback, and manages wave API (WAPI) components. Not applicable. Waveapi.lib
wavesamples Sample waveform audio applications for simple playback, capture, and volume control. Not applicable. wavesamples.lib
wcetk Windows CE Test Kit. Not applicable. wcetk.lib
wdmlib IEEE1394 support library. Not applicable. wdmlib.lib
winscard Exposes PC/SC services for using Smart Cards and Smart Card readers. Exposes a set of APIs. Winscard.lib
winsock Provides support for Windows Sockets (Winsock) 1.1. Included in the full-version and in the kernel-version OS. Winsock.lib
wlclient Part of the 802.11 access point functionality. Not applicable. wlclient.lib
wldap32 Implements the LDAP Client. For more information, LDAP Functions. Not applicable. Wldap32.lib
wlsvc Part of the 802.11 access point functionality. Not applicable. wlsvc.lib, wlshr.lib, oneex.lib
ws2 Module Provides support for Winsock 2.2. For more information, see Winsock Functions. Not applicable. ws2.lib
ws2instl Windows Sockets installer. Not applicable. ws2instl.lib
wspm The default base TCP/UDP Winsock2 transport service provider. For more information, Winsock Service Provider Interface (SPI). Not applicable. wspm.lib
wzcsapi Wireless Automatic Configuration API module. Implements the wrapper that is loaded into the user process to communicate with the WAC driver. For more information, see Automatic Configuration Subsystem. Not applicable. wzcsapi.lib
wzcsvc Wireless Automatic configuration driver that implements the state machine for discovering and configuring a network. Not applicable. wzcsvc.lib
xircce32 Supports the Xircom Ethernet device driver. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full-version and in the kernel-version OS. Xircce32.lib
zlib Provides zlib decompression functionality. This module is linked to coredll. Exposes no public functions. zlib.lib

See Also

Windows CE Modules and Components

Last updated on Thursday, February 02, 2006

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