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Displays the trace stop options.

xperf [-stop [LoggerNames]| [ProfileFileName!ProfileName|SessionName merged.etl]]|
      [-cancel ProfileFileName!ProfileName|SessionName [NoDelete]] [-d merged.etl] [-heap|-critsec]


The following table shows examples of the stop options.

Command Meaning
-stop LoggerNames|ProfileFileName!ProfileName|SessionName merged.etl
Turn off loggers specified in LoggerNames. Or turns off loggers in profile ProfileName defined in file ProfileFileName and merge the ETL files to merged.etl. Or Turns off logger SessionName defined in file ProfileFileName and merge the ETL file to merged.etl.
Turn off all logging sessions.
-cancel ProfileFileName!ProfileName|SessionName [NoDelete]
Turn off loggers in profile ProfileName defined in file ProfileFileName and delete the trace files. Or Turns off logger SessionName defined in file ProfileFileName and merge the ETL file to merged.etl. If NoDelete is specified than trace files are not deleted.
-d MergedETL
Merge the ETL files of stopped logging sessions into MergedETL; if no session is stopped explicitly, the "NT Kernel Logger" stopped implicitly.
-BootTrace off
Turn off boot trace.
Stop heap tracing.
Stop CritSec tracing.


Currently only one of heap tracing and critical section tracing can be active at same time. Therefore, -heap and -critsec are mutually exclusive. If LoggerNames are not given, or -d is specified with neither -stop nor -stopall present, the kernel logger will be stopped.