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MSFT_WvrAdminTasks class

Used to administer a Storage Replica.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all of the inherited properties.


[dynamic, provider("wvrcimprov"), AMENDMENT]
class MSFT_WvrAdminTasks


The MSFT_WvrAdminTasks class has these types of members:


The MSFT_WvrAdminTasks class has these methods.

Method Description
ActivateReplicaSet Assigns replica set IDs and partitions to replication.
ClearMetadataAll Removes orphaned Storage Replica metadata from the registry, partition, and system volume information folder.
ClearMetadataForReplicationGroup Removes orphaned Storage Replica metadata from the partition, and system volume information folder for a replication group. This operation may result in the restart of the specified computer.
CompareReplicationVector Determines whether a destination replication group can connect to a source replication group.
CreatePartnership Creates a replication partnership between two existing replication groups.
CreateStretchPartnership Creates a replication partnership between two existing replication groups.
CreateStretchTopology Creates replication groups and a new replication partnership.
CreateTopology Creates replication groups and a new replication partnership.
DeactivateReplicaSet Removes a partition from replication.
ExchangeReplicationGroupId Exchanges the replication group ID between source and destination replication groups.
GetGroup Retrieves a replication group.
GetGroupFromPartnership Retrieves a replication group.
GetNetworkConstraint Retrieves a replication network constraint for the partnership.
GetPartnership Retrieves a replication partnership.
GetPartnershipFromGroup Retrieves a replication partnership.
GetSrAccess TBD
GetSrUserAccess Returns users that have all capabilities required for them to manage Storage Replica on a given computer.
GetStretchPartnership Retrieves a replication partnership.
GrantSrAccess TBD
GrantSrUserAccess Grants the user all capabilities required to manage Storage Replica on a given computer.
NewSrGroup Creates a replication group.
PairRemoteSubsystem Pairing two computers or clusters for replication.
ProvisionPartitionsAdd Adds partition IDs to the partition database.
ProvisionPartitionsRemove Removes partition IDs from the partition database.
QueryCounterInstance Queries partition related performance counter information.
QueryPartitionInfo Queries the partition related information.
QueryReplicaSet Returns replica set information for a given replication group.
QueryReplicationPartners Returns the partners of a replication group.
RemoveNetworkConstraint Removes an existing replication network constraint for the partnership.
RemovePartnership Removes an existing replication partnership.
RemoveSrGroup Removes a replication group.
RemoveStretchPartnership Removes an existing replication partnership.
RemoveTopology Removes an existing replication partnership and its associated replication groups.
RevokeSrAccess TBD
RevokeSrUserAccess Revokes capabilities required for the user to manage Storage Replica on a given computer.
SetGroupAddVolumes Adds volumes to an existing replication group.
SetGroupModifyConfig Modifies settings on an existing replication group.
SetGroupRemoveVolumes Removes volumes from an existing replication group.
SetNetworkConstraint Creates a new replication network constraint for the partnership.
SetPartnershipAddVolumes Adds source and destination volumes to replication groups in an existing partnership.
SetPartnershipModifyPartnership Changes the RPO or log size settings to replication groups in an existing partnership.
SetPartnershipSetSourcePartnership Changes the source and destination replication direction between two replication groups.
SetSecondaryReplicationGroup Assigns a source to a destination replication group.
SmapiAddMember TBD
SmapiGetPairCluster TBD
SmapiPairCluster TBD
SmapiQueryPartnerGroupStatus TBD
SmapiQueryPartnerPartitions Retrieves the partner partition information for this replication group.
SmapiQueryReplicatedPartitions TBD
SmapiRemoveMember TBD
SmapiUnpairCluster TBD
SuspendGroup Pauses replication for a replication group.
SyncGroup Starts or resumes replication for a replication group.
UnpairRemoteSubsystem Unpairing two computers or clusters from replication.
VerifyReplicablePartition Determines whether a partition can be replicated.
WvrAddReplica Adds a volume to an existing replication group.
WvrAddReplicaById Adds a volume to an existing replication group and assigns a replica set ID to the volume.
WvrAddReplicaSet TBD
WvrAddVolumePartnerStretchById TBD
WvrCheckIfGroupsLogVolumeMatchVolume Perform a remote cim call to check whether given replication group log volume matches with the volume which is to be removed from a group
WvrClearOrphanedClusterResources Removes orphaned Storage Replica cluster resources.
WvrClearOrphanedLogs Removes orphaned Storage Replica metadata from the Storage Replica log container for a replication group. If no ReplicationGroupName is specified the operation will be performed at a machine level.
WvrClearOrphanedPartitionDbRecord Removes orphaned Storage Replica metadata from the Storage Replica partition database.
WvrCreateReplicationGroup Creates a new replication group.
WvrCreateReplicationPartnership Creates a new replication partnership between existing replication groups.
WvrDeleteReplicationGroup Deletes a replication group.
WvrGetOrphanedPartitionDbRecords Retrieves a list of orphaned Storage Replica metadata from the Storage Replica partition database for a replication group. If no ReplicationGroupName is specified the operation will be performed at a machine level.
WvrGetUserAccess Performs a CIM call to obtain list of users that have permissions to manage Storage Replica.
WvrGrantUserAccess Performs a CIM call to grant the user permissions to manage Storage Replica.
WvrInitializeReplicationGroup This routine initializes a newly provisioned replication group.
WvrModifyReplicationGroup Modifies the settings in a replication group.
WvrQueryClusterId TBD
WvrQueryReplicationGroupInfo This routine queries metadata of a replication group.
WvrRemoveNetworkConstraint Performs a CIM call to Remove Network Constraint from a partnership.
WvrRemoveReplica Removes a volume from an existing replication group.
WvrRemoveReplicaById Removes a partition from an existing replication group.
WvrRemoveReplicaSet TBD
WvrRemoveReplicationPartnership Removes an existing replication partnership.
WvrRemoveVolumePartnerStretch TBD
WvrResumeReplicationGroup Resumes all network and storage I/O for all replicas in a suspended replication group.
WvrRevokeUserAccess Performs a CIM call to revoke the user permissions to manage StorageReplica.
WvrSetNetworkConstraint Performs a CIM call to Set new Network Constraint for a partnership.
WvrSetPrimaryReplicationGroup TBD
WvrSuspendReplicationGroup Suspends all network and storage I/O for all volumes in a replication group.


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2016