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CreatePool method of the MSFT_SMSystem class

Creates a concrete pool.


Uint32 CreatePool(
  [in]            String                ElementName,
  [in]            String                DiskDriveObjectIds[],
  [in]            String                PoolSettingObjectId,
  [in, optional]  Boolean               ThinlyProvisioned,
  [in]            UInt16                Usage,
  [in]            String                OtherUsageDescription,
  [out]           MSFT_SMJob        REF Job,
  [out]           MSFT_SMPool       REF Pool,
  [out, optional] MSFT_SMExtendedStatus ExtendedStatus,
  [in, optional]  String                username,
  [in, optional]  String                password


ElementName [in]

Display name to assign to the pool

DiskDriveObjectIds [in]

The ObjectIds of the disk drives to use for the pool.

PoolSettingObjectId [in]

The ObjectId of a pool setting the defines the service level that the storage pool is expected to provide. If NULL the storage service will try to locate a default setting.

ThinlyProvisioned [in, optional]

If True, the created pool is thinly provisioned.

Usage [in]

The usage of the storage pool.

The possible values are.

Other (1)

Unrestricted (2)

Reserved for ComputerSystem (the block server) (3)

Reserved as a Delta Replica Container (4)

Reserved for Migration Services (5)

Reserved for Local Replication Services (6)

Reserved for Remote Replication Services (7)

Reserved for Sparing (8)

OtherUsageDescription [in]

Text description of the usage when the Usage parameter is Other.

Job [out]

Reference to the MSFT_SMJob instance. May be NULL if the job is completed.

Pool [out]

Reference to the created MSFT_SMPool instance.

ExtendedStatus [out, optional]

An MSFT_SMExtendedStatus object containing the results of calling this method.

username [in, optional]

Used to authenticate with the SMI-S provider. If not provided, the storage service attempts to obtain these credentials from the configuration provider.

password [in, optional]

Used to authenticate with the SMI-S provider. If not provided, the storage service attempts to obtain these credentials from the configuration provider.

Return value

Job Completed with No Error (0)

Not Supported (1)

Unknown (2)

Timeout (3)

Failed (4)

Invalid Parameter (5)

In Use (6)

Method Parameters Checked - Job Started (4096)

StorageService: Method invocation failed (40300)

StorageService: Cannot modify Pool instance to set ElementName (40304)

StorageService: Failed to create storage settings on provider (40602)

StorageService: Failed to modify storage settings on provider (40603)

StorageService: Concrete Pool creation is not supported by the provider (40800)

StorageService: Concrete Pool creation using DiskDrives or StorageExtents is not supported (40801)

StorageService: DiskDrives specified are already in use by one or more Concrete Pools (40802)

StorageService: DiskDrives specified are part of multiple primoridal pools (40803)

StorageService: No StorageExtents were found based on the specified DiskDrives (40804)

StorageService: Unable to get StorageExtents from DiskDrives (40805)

StorageService: Invalid Pool Setting ObjectId was specified (40806)

StorageService: PoolSetting and DiskDrives specified do not belong to the same Primordial Pool (40807)

StorageService: Cannot create Concrete Pool using DiskDrive(s) reserved for hot spare (40812)

StorageService: Provider does not support ThinlyProvisioned StoragePools (40816)

StorageService: Unable to find StorageCapabilities on provider (40817)

StorageService: Unable to identify default StorageSettings on provider (40818)


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012

See also