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ClusNode.State property

[The State property is available for use in the operating systems specified in the Requirements section. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions.]

Retrieves the state of a node.

This property is read-only.



Property value

Long that receives one of the following values describes the node's current state, enumerated by the CLUSTER_NODE_STATE enumeration.

ClusterNodeStateUnknown (-1)

The current state of the node is unknown.

ClusterNodeUp (0)

The node is physically plugged in, turned on, booted, and capable of executing programs.

ClusterNodeDown (1)

The node is turned off or not operational.

ClusterNodePaused (2)

The node is running but not participating in cluster operations.

ClusterNodeJoining (3)

The node is in the process of joining a cluster.


The ClusterNodeDown state only indicates that a node is inactive; it does not specify the reason for the inactivity. A node can be in the ClusterNodeDown state for the following reasons:

  • The node is not running.
  • The Cluster service on the node is not running.
  • The node cannot communicate with the node controlling the quorum resource.
  • The node is inactive for any other reason.

When a node is operating as an active member of a cluster but cannot host any resources or groups, it is in the ClusterNodePaused state (see the PauseClusterNode function). Nodes that are undergoing maintenance are typically placed in this state.

For information on making constants defined by the Cluster Automation Server type library (MsClus.tlb) available to scripts, see Creating a Cluster Automation Server Script.


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, Windows Server 2008 Datacenter
Type library
IID_ISClusNode is defined as F2E606F8-2631-11D1-89F1-00A0C90D061E

See also
