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RASPPPLCP structure

The RASPPPLCP structure contains information that describes the results of a PPP Link Control Protocol (LCP)/multilink negotiation.

The RasGetProjectionInfo function returns a RASPPPLCP data structure when its rasprojection parameter has the value RASP_PppLcp.


typedef struct _RASPPPLCP {
  DWORD dwSize;
  BOOL  fBundled;
  DWORD dwError;
  DWORD dwAuthenticationProtocol;
  DWORD dwAuthenticationData;
  DWORD dwEapTypeId;
  DWORD dwServerAuthenticationProtocol;
  DWORD dwServerAuthenticationData;
  DWORD dwServerEapTypeId;
  BOOL  fMultilink;
  DWORD dwTerminateReason;
  DWORD dwServerTerminateReason;
  TCHAR szReplyMessage[RAS_MaxReplyMessage];
  DWORD dwOptions;
  DWORD dwServerOptions;


  • dwSize
    If this member is TRUE, the connection is composed of multiple links. Otherwise, this member is FALSE.

  • fBundled
    If this member is TRUE, the connection is composed of multiple links. Otherwise, this member is FALSE.

  • dwError
    If the negotiation was unsuccessful, dwError contains the error that occurred.

  • dwAuthenticationProtocol
    A value that specifies the authentication protocol used to authenticate the client.

    Value Meaning
    RASLCPAP_PAP Password Authentication Protocol
    RASLCPAP_SPAP Shiva Password Authentication Protocol
    RASLCPAP_CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
    RASLCPAP_EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol


  • dwAuthenticationData
    A value that specifies additional information about the authentication protocol specified by dwAuthenticationProtocol. This member can be one of the following values.

    Value Meaning
    RASLCPAD_CHAP_MSV2 Microsoft CHAP version 2


  • dwEapTypeId
    A value that specifies the type identifier of the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) used to authenticate the local client. The value of this member is valid only if dwAuthenticationProtocol is RASLCPAPP_EAP.

  • dwServerAuthenticationProtocol
    A value that specifies the authentication protocol used to authenticate the server. This member can be one of the following values.

    Value Meaning
    RASLCPAP_PAP Password Authentication Protocol
    RASLCPAP_SPAP Shiva Password Authentication Protocol
    RASLCPAP_CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
    RASLCPAP_EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol


  • dwServerAuthenticationData
    A value that specifies additional information about the authentication protocol specified by dwServerAuthenticationProtocol. This member can be one of the following values.

    Value Meaning
    RASLCPAD_CHAP_MSV2 Microsoft CHAP version 2


  • dwServerEapTypeId
    A value that specifies the type ID of the extensible authentication protocol (EAP) used to authenticate the remote computer. The value of this member is valid only if dwServerAuthenticationProtocol is RASLCPAP_EAP.

  • fMultilink
    If this member is TRUE, the connection supports multilink. Otherwise, this member is FALSE.

  • dwTerminateReason
    Reserved for future use. Must be zero.

  • dwServerTerminateReason
    Reserved for future use. Must be zero.

  • szReplyMessage
    A pointer to a string that contains the message, if any, from the authentication protocol success/failure packet.

  • dwOptions
    A value that specifies additional LCP options for the local comput client. This member is a combination of the following flags.

    Flags Description
    RASLCPO_PFC Protocol Field Compression (see RFC 1172).
    RASLCPO_ACFC Address and Control Field Compression (see RFC 1172).
    RASLCPO_SSHF Short Sequence Number Header Format (see RFC 1990).
    RASLCPO_DES_56 DES 56-bit encryption.
    RASLCPO_3_DES Triple DES Encryption.


  • dwServerOptions
    A value that specifies additional LCP options for the remote server. This member is a combination of the following flags.

    Flags Description
    RASLCPO_PFC Protocol Field Compression (see RFC 1172).
    RASLCPO_ACFC Address and Control Field Compression (see RFC 1172).
    RASLCPO_SSHF Short Sequence Number Header Format (see RFC 1990).
    RASLCPO_DES_56 DES 56-bit encryption.
    RASLCPO_3_DES Triple DES Encryption.
    RASLCPO_AES_128 Windows 7: AES 128-bit encryption
    RASLCPO_AES_256 Windows 7: AES 256-bit encryption



Minimum supported client

Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]

Minimum supported server

Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]



Unicode and ANSI names


See also

Remote Access Service (RAS) Overview

Remote Access Service Structures
