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ModifySynchronization method of the CIM_StorageConfigurationService class

Modify (or start a job to modify) the synchronization association between two storage objects. If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and no ConcreteJob instance was created. If 0x1000 is returned, a ConcreteJob was started and a reference to this Job is returned in the Job output parameter. A return value of 1 indicates the method is not supported. All other values indicate some type of error condition.


uint32 ModifySynchronization(
  [in]  uint16                      Operation,
  [out] CIM_ConcreteJob         REF Job,
  [in]  CIM_StorageSynchronized REF Synchronization


Operation [in]

Operation describes the type of modification to be made to the replica. Values are:

Detach: 'Forget' the synchronization between two storage objects. Start to treat the objects as independent.

Fracture: Suspend the synchronization between two storage objects using Sync or Async replication.

The association and (typically) changes are remembered to allow a fast resynchronization. This may be used during a backup cycle to allow one of the objects to be copied while the other remains in production.

Resync Replica: Re-establish the synchronization of a Sync or Async replication. This will negate the action of a previous Fracture operation. Recreate a Point In Time image for an UnSyncAssoc replication.

Restore from Replica: Renew the contents of the original storage object from a replica.

Prepare: Get the link ready for a Resync operation to take place. Some implementations will require this operation to be invoked to keep the Resync operation as fast as possible. May start the copy engine.

Unprepare: Clear a prepared state if a Prepare is not to be followed by a Resync operation.

Quiesce: Some applications require notification so that they can ready the link for an operation. For example flush any cached data or buffered changes. The copy engine is stopped for UnSyncAssoc replications.

Unquiesce: Take the link from the quiesced state (without executing the intended operation.

Start Copy: initiate a full background copy of the source to the UnSyncAssoc replica. Replica enters Frozen state when copy operation is completed.

Stop Copy: stop the background copy previously started. Reset To Sync: Change the CopyType of the association to Sync (e.g., from the Async CopyType).

Reset To Async: Change the CopyType of the association to Async (e.g., from the Sync CopyType).

DMTF Reserved (0)

DMTF Reserved (1)

Detach (2)

Fracture (3)

Resync Replica (4)

Restore from Replica (5)

Prepare (6)

Unprepare (7)

Quiesce (8)

Unquiesce (9)

Reset To Sync (10)

Reset To Async (11)

Start Copy (12)

Stop Copy (13)

DMTF Reserved

14 32767

Vendor Specific

32768 65535

Job [out]

Reference to the job (may be null if the task completed).

Synchronization [in]

The referenced to the StorageSynchronized association describing the storage source/replica relationship.

Return value

Job Completed with No Error (0)

Not Supported (1)

Unspecified Error (2)

Timeout (3)

Failed (4)

Invalid Parameter (5)

In Use (6)

DMTF Reserved (7 4095)

Method Parameters Checked - Job Started (4096)

Method Reserved (4097 32767)

Vendor Specific (32768 65535)


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012 R2

See also
