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How to: Get the Properties of All Management Agents

The following Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) example shows how to get the properties of all the management agents on a server. You can use this example to retrieve information about the management agents, such as the name, run profiles, and the details of a specific run.

First, the example retrieves the management agent collection, and then it enumerates through the collection to get the properties of each management agent.

Option Explicit

On Error Resume Next

Const PktPrivacy = 6

Dim ManagementAgentSet  
Dim ManagementAgent     

Set Service = GetObject("winmgmts:{authenticationLevel=PktPrivacy}!root\MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer")
Set ManagementAgentSet = Service.ExecQuery("Select * from MIIS_ManagementAgent")

For each ManagementAgent in ManagementAgentSet

    WScript.Echo "Name          : " & ManagementAgent.Name

    WScript.Echo "GUID          : " & ManagementAgent.Guid

    WScript.Echo "Type          : " & ManagementAgent.Type
    If ManagementAgent.RunProfile() = "" then

        WScript.Echo "No Run Profiles configured for this management agent." _
                        & vbcrlf

        WScript.Echo "Run Profile Details"

        WScript.Echo "    Name       : " & ManagementAgent.RunProfile()

        WScript.Echo "    Run Number : " & ManagementAgent.RunNumber()

        WScript.Echo "    Status     : " & ManagementAgent.RunStatus()

        WScript.Echo "    Start Time : " & ManagementAgent.RunStartTime()

        WScript.Echo "    End Time   : " & ManagementAgent.RunEndTime()

        WScript.Echo "    Run Details: " & ManagementAgent.RunDetails() & vbcrlf

    End If     


Sub ErrorHandler (ErrorMessage)
  WScript.Echo ErrorMessage
End Sub

See Also


Creating Scripts
How to: Enable Security in Scripts
Script Examples
How to: Create Management Agents