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Submits a request for a new smart card for the specified user. After the request is submitted, it will be processed in the same way as any other request within and subject to the workflow and policy rules associated with the profile template. This procedure is part of the Forefront Identity Manager Certificate Management (FIM CM) SQL API.

            @user_nt4name nvarchar(80),
        @profile_template_name nvarchar(254),
         @registration_data ntext = NULL,
         @comments nvarchar(256),
          @request_uuid uniqueidentifier OUTPUT,
         @request_priority tinyint = 0


Parameter Description


[in] The domain or username of the user for whom the smart card is to be created. The username is in the Windows NT 4.0 format.


[in] The name of the profile template for which the user is issued a smart card.


[in] An XML document that contains the name/value pairs for any data that is required for the FIM CM profile template enroll policy. This parameter can be NULL.


[in] Comment stored for the request. This parameter can be NULL.


[out] A UUID that is the unique identifier for the submitted request. This identifier can be used to determine the status of the request using the externalGetStatus stored procedure.


[in] An integer value between 0 and 255 indicating the priority of the request. Zero is the highest priority and 255 is the lowest. This parameter can be NULL.

Return Value

Zero if the procedure succeeds, otherwise one of the following error codes.

Value Meaning


The cause of the error is unknown.


The attempt to create the request failed.


The data is not valid.


The attempt to submit the request failed.


The following code example shows how to submit a request for a new smart card.

DECLARE @RC                    int
DECLARE @user_nt4name          nvarchar(80)
DECLARE @profile_template_name nvarchar(254)
DECLARE @comments              nvarchar(256)
DECLARE @request_uuid          uniqueidentifier

-- Set parameter values
SET @user_nt4name = N'clm-test\subscriber01'
SET @profile_template_name = N'Clm-SC-1'
SET @comments = N'Enroll Request Submitted by External Api (with comments)'

EXEC @RC = [clm].[dbo].[externalSubmitEnrollRequest] 
                        @request_uuid OUTPUT

PRINT @request_uuid


Microsoft SQL Server® 2005 Service Pack 1 or SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4

See Also


FIM CM SQL API Procedures