Fax Folders
The fax service provides four folders that allow you to manage incoming and outgoing faxes.
- The incoming queue, represented by the FaxIncomingQueue object (and FaxAccountIncomingQueue object in Windows Vista)
- The outgoing queue, represented by the FaxOutgoingQueue object (and FaxAccountOutgoingQueue object in Windows Vista)
- The incoming archive, represented by the FaxIncomingArchive object (and FaxAccountIncomingArchive object in Windows Vista)
- The outgoing archive, represented by the FaxOutgoingArchive object (and FaxAccountOutgoingArchive object in Windows Vista)
Fax Queues
A fax queue is a collection of faxes that the fax service is processing. Faxes in a queue are referred to as fax jobs.
The fax service provides two fax queues, an incoming queue and an outgoing queue. The incoming queue contains faxes that the fax service is receiving, known as incoming jobs. The outgoing queue contains faxes that the fax service is sending, or will attempt to send, known as outgoing jobs.
For more information about queues, see the FaxIncomingQueue, FaxOutgoingQueue, FaxIncomingJob, and FaxOutgoingJob objects.
In Windows Vista, refer to the FaxAccountIncomingQueue, FaxAccountOutgoingQueue, FaxIncomingJob, and FaxOutgoingJob objects.
Fax Archives
A fax archive is a collection of faxes that the fax service has processed successfully. Faxes in an archive are referred to as fax messages.
The fax service provides two fax archives, an incoming archive and an outgoing archive. The incoming archive contains faxes that the fax service has received successfully, known as incoming messages. The outgoing archive contains faxes that the fax service has sent successfully, known as outgoing messages.
For more information, see the FaxIncomingArchive, FaxOutgoingArchive, FaxIncomingMessage, and FaxOutgoingMessage objects (In Windows Vista, refer to FaxAccountIncomingArchive, FaxAccountOutgoingArchive, FaxIncomingMessage, and FaxOutgoingMessage objects) and the following topics:
The archiving of fax messages is optional, and can be set using the IFaxIncomingArchive::get_UseArchive and IFaxOutgoingArchive::get_UseArchive methods. (In Windows Vista, IFaxConfiguration:UseArchive method.)
Archived Message Iterator
The Fax Service Extended Component Object Model (COM) implementation does not expose fax archives as a collection of fax messages. This is because fax archives tend to get large. Instead, the service uses a forward-iterating cursor object to access individual messages in the archive. For more information, see FaxIncomingMessageIterator and FaxOutgoingMessageIterator.