Cache Policy
Cache policy indicates what action a cache proxy server must take in response to a client request for content. Cache proxy plug-ins define cache policy for a Windows Media server. The policy differs depending on whether the requested content is found in a cache. If it is found, the cache proxy plug-in can direct the server to:
Stream the content from cache on demand.
Proxy broadcast content from the origin server.
If the content is not cached, or if it is out of date, the cache proxy plug-in can direct the server to:
Proxy the content on demand from the origin server.
Proxy the content as a broadcast from the origin server.
Redirect the client to another origin server but still use the same proxy server.
Redirect the client to a different proxy server.
Download the requested content into cache while it is streaming the content to the client.
You can control what policies your custom cache proxy plug-in supports.