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Creating a New On-Demand Publishing Point

The first step in publishing your content is to create a new publishing point that can be used to distribute it. The following Visual Basic, C#, and C++ examples show you how to create a new on-demand publishing point named "NewPubPoint" and use it to publish content from a directory, in this case, "c:\wmpub\wmroot". By modifying the values to fit your content, you can create your own personal on-demand publishing point.

Visual Basic .NET Example

Imports Microsoft.WindowsMediaServices.Interop
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

' Declare variables.
Dim Server As WMSServer
Dim ODPubPoint As IWMSOnDemandPublishingPoint

    ' Create the WMSServer object.
    Server = New WMSServer()

    ' Add a new on-demand publishing point.
    ODPubPoint = Server.PublishingPoints.Add("NewPubPointII", _

Catch errCom As COMException
    ' TODO: Handle COM exceptions.
Catch err As Exception
    ' TODO: Exception handler goes here.
    ' TODO: Clean-up code goes here.
End Try

C# Example

using Microsoft.WindowsMediaServices.Interop;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

// Declare variables.
WMSServer Server;
IWMSOnDemandPublishingPoint ODPubPoint;

    // Create the WMSServer object.
    Server = new WMSServerClass();

    // Add a new on-demand publishing point.
    ODPubPoint = (IWMSOnDemandPublishingPoint)Server.PublishingPoints.Add(
catch (COMException comExc)
    // TODO: Handle COM exceptions.
catch (Exception exc)
    MessageBox.Show(exc.ToString(), "Example 20");
    // TODO: Exception handler goes here.
    // TODO: Clean-up code goes here.

C++ Example

#include <windows.h>
#include <atlbase.h>    // Includes CComBSTR.
#include "wmsserver.h"

// Declare variables and interfaces.
IWMSServer                  *pServer;
IWMSPublishingPoints        *pPubPoints;
IWMSPublishingPoint         *pPubPoint;
IWMSOnDemandPublishingPoint *pODPubPoint;

HRESULT         hr;
CComBSTR        bstrFile;
CComBSTR        bstrName;

// Initialize the COM library and retrieve a pointer
// to an IWMSServer interface.
hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WMSServer,
                      (void **)&pServer);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;

// Retrieve a pointer to the IWMSPublishingPoints
// interface and add a new on-demand publishing point.
hr = pServer->get_PublishingPoints(&pPubPoints);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;

bstrName = "NewPubPoint";
bstrFile = "c:\\wmpub\\wmroot\\";
hr = pPubPoints->Add(bstrName, WMS_PUBLISHING_POINT_ON_DEMAND,
                     bstrFile, &pPubPoint);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;

// Query the IWMSOnDemandPublishingPoint interface from
// the newly created publishing point.
hr = pPubPoint->QueryInterface(IID_IWMSOnDemandPublishingPoint,
                              (void **)&pODPubPoint);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;

    // TODO: Release temporary COM objects and uninitialize COM.

See Also


IWMSOnDemandPublishingPoint Interface

IWMSOnDemandPublishingPoint Object (C#)

IWMSOnDemandPublishingPoint Object (Visual Basic .NET)


Publishing Content On Demand