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ISBE2SpanningEvent::GetEvent method (sbe.h)

[The feature associated with this page, Microsoft TV Technologies, is a legacy feature. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code does not use this feature.]

Gets an in-band spanning event and event data from the Stream Buffer Engine, version 2 (SBE2). An in-band spanning event is an event that exists until it is replaced or erased, and is part of the state for events that appear later in the same stream.


  [in]      REFGUID        idEvt,
  [in]      SBE2_STREAM_ID streamId,
  [in, out] DWORD          *pcb,
  [out]     BYTE           *pb


[in] idEvt

GUID identifying the spanning event type.

[in] streamId

Identifies the stream containing the spanning event.

[in, out] pcb

Pointer to a value that gets the size of the event data buffer. If the pb parameter is NULL, this parameter returns the required buffer size.

[out] pb

Pointer to a buffer that gets the event data. If this parameter is NULL, the pcb parameter returns the required buffer size. The structure of the event data depends on the event type.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


The following types of in-band spanning events are defined.

Value Description
EVENTID_ARIBcontentSpanningEvent Signals the start of Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting (ISDB) content. No data is associated with this event.
EVENTID_AudioDescriptorSpanningEvent Contains an MPEG-2 descriptor for an audio stream. The event data is a byte array with the following layout:
  • Byte 0 contains the descriptor tag.
  • Byte 1 contains the length of the descriptor body.
  • The remaining bytes contain the descriptor body.
EVENTID_AudioTypeSpanningEvent Specifies the audio type of the data stream. The event data is a char that contains the audio_type field from the ISO 639 Language Descriptor.
EVENTID_CASFailureSpanningEvent Signals a failure in the condition access system (CAS). The event data depends on the CAS technology in use.
EVENTID_ChannelChangeSpanningEvent Signals the start or end of a channel change. The event data is a ChannelChangeInfo structure.
EVENTID_ChannelInfoSpanningEvent Contains information about the cable television channel. The event data is a ChannelInfo structure.
EVENTID_ChannelTypeSpanningEvent Contains information about the cable television channel type. The event data is a ChannelTypeInfo structure.
EVENTID_CSDescriptorSpanningEvent Contains a caption service descriptor. The event data is a SpanningEventDescriptor structure.
EVENTID_CtxADescriptorSpanningEvent Contains a content advisory descriptor. The event data is a SpanningEventDescriptor structure.
EVENTID_DualMonoSpanningEvent Specifies the audio languages for a dual-mono audio stream. The event data is a DualMonoInfo structure.
EVENTID_DVBScramblingControlSpanningEvent Indicates whether a Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) program stream is scrambled. This event is signaled when the value of the transport_scrambling_control field changes. The event data is a DVBScramblingControlSpanningEvent structure.
EVENTID_EmmMessageSpanningEvent Contains information about an Entitlement Management Message (EMM) in a DVB data stream. The event data is a SpanningEventEmmMessage structure.
EVENTID_LanguageSpanningEvent Specifies the audio language. The event data is a LanguageInfo structure.
EVENTID_PBDAParentalControlSpanningEvent Contains information about the current parental control policy. The event data is a PBDAParentalControl structure.
EVENTID_PIDListSpanningEvent Contains a list of packet identifiers (PIDs) for the current stream. The event data is a PIDListSpanningEvent structure.
EVENTID_RRTSpanningEvent Contains information about a rating region table (RRT). The data is a SECTION structure.
EVENTID_SignalAndServiceStatusSpanningEvent Signals the current state of the television service. The event data is a member of the SignalAndServiceStatusSpanningEvent_State enumeration.
EVENTID_StreamIDSpanningEvent Contains a stream identifier descriptor. The event data has the same format as the EVENTID_AudioDescriptorSpanningEvent event.
EVENTID_StreamTypeSpanningEvent Specifies the stream type. The event data is a DWORD that contains a value from the MPEG2StreamType enumeration.
EVENTID_SubtitleSpanningEvent Contains a subtitling descriptor. The event data has the same format as the EVENTID_AudioDescriptorSpanningEvent event.
EVENTID_TeletextSpanningEvent Contains a teletext descriptor. The event data has the same format as the EVENTID_AudioDescriptorSpanningEvent event.
EVENTID_TuneFailureSpanningEvent Signals a tuning failure.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows�7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header sbe.h

See also

