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Adding Information to a License

[The AD RMS SDK leveraging functionality exposed by the client in Msdrm.dll is available for use in Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, and Windows 8. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions. Instead, use Active Directory Rights Management Services SDK 2.1, which leverages functionality exposed by the client in Msipc.dll.]

After creating an issuance license, you can add users and rights to it. Note that rights are case-sensitive. That is, you should add the EDIT right, not the Edit right. The following example shows how to create a user and an EDIT right, and how to grant that right to the user.


The owner specified by hOwner in DRMCreateIssuanceLicense is the Owner principal, not the OWNER right. Merely specifying someone as the hOwner in DRMCreateIssuanceLicense does not grant them the OWNER right; granting yourself (or anyone else) the OWNER right must be done explicitly by using DRMAddRightWithUser. Zero, one, or more users can be granted the OWNER right, which never expires. For more information, see the hOwner parameter of DRMCreateIssuanceLicense.


int AddMetadata(DRMPUBHANDLE* phIssuanceLicense)
  HRESULT hr = S_OK;
  GUID guid;
  DWORD uiGUIDLength;
  SYSTEMTIME stTimeFrom;
  SYSTEMTIME stTimeUntil;

  // Create a user.
  hr = DRMCreateUser( 
          L"",   // user name
          L"MyID",                  // user ID
          L"Windows",               // type of user ID
          &hUser                    // user object handle 
  if(FAILED(hr)) goto e_Exit;

  // Create a right for the user.
  hr = DRMCreateRight( 
          L"EDIT",            // name of the right
          &stTimeFrom,        // beginning validity time
          &stTimeUntil,       // ending validity time
          0,                  // count of extended elements
          NULL,               // extended information name
          NULL,               // extended information value
          &hRight             // rights object handle
  if(FAILED(hr)) goto e_Exit;

  // Add the right and user to the license.
  hr = DRMAddRightWithUser( 
          *phIssuanceLicense, // issuance license handle
          hRight,             // handle of right to add
          hUser );            // handle of user to add
  if(FAILED(hr)) goto e_Exit;

  // Add metadata to the license.
  // Create a GUID to use as a unique content ID.
  hr = CoCreateGuid( &guid );
  if(FAILED(hr)) goto e_Exit;

  if(FAILED(hr)) goto e_Exit;

  uiGUIDLength = StringFromGUID2( 
  if( 0 == uiGUIDLength )
     hr = E_FAIL;
     goto e_Exit;

  // Set the content ID in the issuance license.
  hr = DRMSetMetaData( 
          *phIssuanceLicense,   // issuance license handle
          wszGUID,              // content ID
          L"MS-GUID",           // type of content ID
          NULL,                 // optional SKU ID
          NULL,                 // SKU ID type
          NULL,                 // content type
          NULL                  // content name
  if(FAILED(hr)) goto e_Exit;


  // Perform cleanup and return.

  return hr;

After you create an issuance license and add users and rights to it, you can add other information to it as well:

  • To add name-value pairs that contain custom values, use the DRMSetApplicationSpecificData function. This data can be used by a consuming application to perform many tasks.
  • To add names and descriptions of the license in multiple human languages, use the DRMSetNameAndDescription function.
  • To add a revocation point, use the DRMSetRevocationPoint function. A revocation point is a location where an application can download a revocation list that describes users, machine certificates, and many other principals that should be prevented from using a use license.
  • To add restrictions on what applications must or cannot use this license, use DRMSetUsagePolicy.

Working with Licenses and Templates