Cómo borrar trazos de lápiz (HTML)
[ Este artículo está destinado a desarrolladores de Windows 8.x y Windows Phone 8.x que escriben aplicaciones de Windows en tiempo de ejecución. Si estás desarrollando para Windows 10, consulta la documentación más reciente
Aprende a borrar trazos de lápiz en una aplicación de la Tienda Windows con JavaScript.
Actualizaciones para Windows 8.1: Windows 8.1 incorpora varias actualizaciones y mejoras para las API para entrada de puntero. Para obtener más información, consulta el tema sobre cambios en las API para Windows 8.1.
Dado que una aplicación que admite la entrada de lápiz necesita diferenciar entre la entrada para dibujar trazos de lápiz y la entrada para borrar trazos de lápiz, el borrado suele implementarse como un estado modal.
El borrado se puede activar de maneras distintas: un comando de la barra de la aplicación, el extremo borrador de la pluma o el botón contextual (incluidos los botones contextuales oscilantes). Los botones contextuales son útiles porque reducen los viajes de ida y vuelta entre la superficie de dibujo y la barra de la aplicación. La aplicación debe admitir todas las opciones y las capacidades del dispositivo.
Aquí te mostramos una superficie de dibujo de un solo Canvas que acepta tanto trazos de lápiz como trazos de borrado, en función de un estado de entrada especificado por el usuario.
InkManipulationMode especifica el comportamiento de cualquier trazo nuevo que dibuje un usuario. En el modo erasing, los trazos nuevos se muestran en la superficie de dibujo pero no se representan y desaparecen cuando el usuario levanta la pluma. Los trazos existentes se borran cuando el usuario los corta en intersección con un trazo de borrado. Este es el comportamiento predeterminado admitido por la plataforma de entrada de lápiz de Windows 8.
Lo que debes saber
Requisitos previos
Nos basamos en Inicio rápido: capturar datos de entrada de lápiz.
Damos por sentado que puedes crear una aplicación básica de la Tienda Windows con JavaScript que use la plantilla de Biblioteca de Windows para JavaScript.
- Si quieres obtener instrucciones para crear tu primera aplicación de la Tienda Windows, consulta el tema sobre cómo crear tu primera aplicación de la Tienda Windows con JavaScript.
- Para obtener información sobre cómo usar los objetos y controles de WinJS, consulta Inicio rápido: Agregar controles y estilos de WinJS.
Paso 1: Crear un administrador de entrada de lápiz
Inicializa un objeto InkManager que procesará y manipulará los datos relacionados con la entrada de lápiz obtenidos de la entrada del puntero.
// Create an ink manager.
// InkManager is documented at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=260648.
var inkManager = new Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManager();
Paso 2: Definir la configuración del trazo inicial
Cada InkManipulationMode tiene una configuración de trazo único para indicar al usuario el modo en el que se encuentra. De manera predeterminada, este ejemplo empieza en el modo inking con la configuración de trazo especificado.
// Initial stroke property values.
var strokeColor;
var strokeWidth;
Paso 3: Habilitar la selección de modo
Ofrece al usuario una manera de elegir el InkManipulationMode.
Primero, declaramos un conjunto de botones de modo.
<div id="applicationTitle">Ink sample</div>
<canvas id="inkCanvas"></canvas>
<button id="load">Load</button>
<button id="save">Save</button>
<button id="draw">Draw</button>
<button id="select">Select</button>
<button id="selectall">Select all</button>
<button id="erase">Erase</button>
<button id="eraseAll">Erase all</button>
<button id="recognize" value="selected">Handwriting recognition</button>
<div id="modeMessage"></div>
<div id="deviceMessage"></div>
<div id="statusMessage"></div>
Después, declaramos una escucha de eventos.
get("erase").addEventListener("click", eraseStrokes, false);
Por último, definimos la configuración del trazo en el controlador de eventos Click para cada botón de modo.
// Set up draw mode.
function drawStrokes() {
inkManager.mode = Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManipulationMode.inking;
strokeColor = "black";
strokeWidth = 2;
modeMessage.innerText = inkManager.mode;
// Set up selection mode.
function selectStrokes() {
inkManager.mode = Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManipulationMode.selecting;
strokeColor = "red";
strokeWidth = 1;
modeMessage.innerText = inkManager.mode;
// Set up erase mode.
function eraseStrokes() {
inkManager.mode = Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManipulationMode.erasing;
strokeColor = "gold";
strokeWidth = 1;
modeMessage.innerText = inkManager.mode;
Paso 4: Borrado de todos los trazos
Ofrece la opción de borrar todos los trazos a la vez.
// Select all strokes handler.
function eraseAllStrokes() {
inkManager.mode = Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManipulationMode.inking;
strokeColor = "black";
strokeWidth = 2;
modeMessage.innerText = "Erase all strokes.";
// Iterate through each stroke.
function (stroke) {
stroke.selected = 1;
Paso 5: Volver a representar los trazos después del borrado
La función renderAllStrokes
usa el inkManager
para procesar cada segmento del trazo sin procesar usando el método bezierCurveTo. Cada trazo se dibuja de nuevo usando la configuración de trazo adecuada. (Si se borra, el trazo se elimina de la colección de trazos de InkManager y deja de aparecer en el Canvas).
// Render all strokes using bezier curves instead of line segments.
function renderAllStrokes()
statusMessage.innerText += "Render strokes as bezier curves."
// Clear the drawing surface of existing strokes.
inkContext.clearRect(0, 0, inkCanvas.width, inkCanvas.height);
// Iterate through each stroke.
function (stroke)
if (stroke.selected) {
inkContext.lineWidth = stroke.drawingAttributes.size.width * 2;
inkContext.strokeStyle = "green";
} else {
inkContext.lineWidth = stroke.drawingAttributes.size.width;
inkContext.strokeStyle = "black";
// Enumerate through each line segment of the stroke.
var first = true;
function (segment)
// Move to the starting screen location of the stroke.
if (first)
inkContext.moveTo(segment.position.x, segment.position.y);
first = false;
// Calculate the bezier curve for the segment.
segment.position.x, segment.position.y);
// Draw the stroke.
Ejemplo completo
//// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
// Windows Store app that demonstrates the use of the Windows.UI.Input.Inking APIs.
// Ink functionality is documented at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=260649.
// User interaction functionality is documented at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=260650.
// Ink APIs are documented at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=260652.
// Pointer APIs are documented at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=260653.
(function ()
"use strict";
// Global variables
// UI object references.
var inkCanvas;
var inkContext;
var modeMessage;
var deviceMessage
var statusMessage;
// Create an ink manager.
// InkManager is documented at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=260648.
var inkManager = new Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManager();
// Initial pointer values.
var pointerId = -1;
var pointerDeviceType = null;
// Initial stroke property values.
var strokeColor;
var strokeWidth;
// End global variables
// Obtain reference to the specified element.
function get(elementId)
return document.getElementById(elementId);
function initialize()
// Set up the UI.
inkCanvas = get("inkCanvas");
inkContext = inkCanvas.getContext("2d");
inkContext.lineCap = "round";
inkContext.lineKJoin = "round";
inkCanvas.width = window.innerWidth - 10;
inkCanvas.height = window.innerHeight * 0.5;
deviceMessage = get("deviceMessage");
deviceMessage.innerText = "Undefined";
modeMessage = get("modeMessage");
modeMessage.innerText = inkManager.mode;
statusMessage = get("statusMessage");
statusMessage.innerText = "No pointer input detected."
// Set initial ink mode.
// Set default recognition language.
if (!setRecognizerByName("Microsoft English (US) Handwriting Recognizer")) {
statusMessage.innerText += "\nRecognition: Failed to find English (US) recognizer.";
else {
statusMessage.innerText += "\nRecognition: English (US) recognizer.";
// Set up the handlers for input processing.
inkCanvas.addEventListener("pointerdown", onPointerDown, false);
inkCanvas.addEventListener("pointermove", onPointerMove, false);
inkCanvas.addEventListener("pointerup", onPointerUp, false);
get("save").addEventListener("click", saveStrokes, false);
get("load").addEventListener("click", loadStrokes, false);
get("draw").addEventListener("click", drawStrokes, false);
get("select").addEventListener("click", selectStrokes, false);
get("selectall").addEventListener("click", selectAllStrokes, false);
get("erase").addEventListener("click", eraseStrokes, false);
get("eraseAll").addEventListener("click", eraseAllStrokes, false);
get("recognize").addEventListener("click", recognizeStrokes, false);
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", initialize, false);
function getPointerDeviceType(pId)
var pointerDeviceType;
var pointerPoint = Windows.UI.Input.PointerPoint.getCurrentPoint(pId);
switch (pointerPoint.pointerDevice.pointerDeviceType)
case Windows.Devices.Input.PointerDeviceType.touch:
pointerDeviceType = "Touch";
case Windows.Devices.Input.PointerDeviceType.pen:
pointerDeviceType = "Pen";
case Windows.Devices.Input.PointerDeviceType.mouse:
pointerDeviceType = "Mouse";
pointerDeviceType = "Undefined";
deviceMessage.innerText = pointerDeviceType;
return pointerDeviceType;
// Occurs when the pointer (touch, pen, mouse) is detected by the canvas.
// Each stroke begins with onPointerDown.
function onPointerDown(evt)
// Get the device type for the pointer input.
pointerDeviceType = getPointerDeviceType(evt.pointerId);
// Process pen and mouse (with left button) only. Reserve touch for manipulations.
if ((pointerDeviceType === "Pen") || ((pointerDeviceType === "Mouse") && (evt.button === 0)))
statusMessage.innerText = pointerDeviceType + " pointer down: Start stroke. "
// Process one pointer at a time.
if (pointerId === -1)
var current = evt.currentPoint;
// Start drawing the stroke.
inkContext.lineWidth = strokeWidth;
inkContext.strokeStyle = strokeColor;
inkContext.moveTo(current.position.x, current.position.y);
// Add current pointer to the ink manager (begin stroke).
// The pointer id is used to restrict input processing to the current stroke.
pointerId = evt.pointerId;
// Process touch input.
// Mouse: Occurs when the pointer moves.
// Pen/Touch: Occurs at a steady rate (approx. 100 messages/second) whether the pointer moves or not.
function onPointerMove(evt)
// Process pen and mouse (with left button) only. Reserve touch for manipulations.
if ((pointerDeviceType === "Pen") || ((pointerDeviceType === "Mouse") && (evt.button === -1)))
statusMessage.innerText = pointerDeviceType + " pointer move: Draw stroke as lines. "
// The pointer Id is used to restrict input processing to the current stroke.
// pointerId is updated in onPointerDown().
if (evt.pointerId === pointerId)
var current = evt.currentPoint;
// Draw stroke in real time.
inkContext.lineTo(current.rawPosition.x, current.rawPosition.y);
// Add current pointer to the ink manager (update stroke).
// Process touch input.
// Occurs when the pointer (touch, pen, mouse) is lifted from the canvas.
// Each stroke ends with onPointerUp.
function onPointerUp(evt)
// Process pen and mouse (with left button) only. Reserve touch for manipulations.
if ((pointerDeviceType === "Pen") || ((pointerDeviceType === "Mouse") && (evt.button === 0)))
statusMessage.innerText = pointerDeviceType + " pointer up: Finish stroke. "
if (evt.pointerId === pointerId) {
// Add current pointer to the ink manager (end stroke).
// End live drawing.
// Render strokes using bezier curves.
// Reset pointer Id.
pointerId = -1;
// Process touch input.
// Render all strokes using bezier curves instead of line segments.
function renderAllStrokes()
statusMessage.innerText += "Render strokes as bezier curves."
// Clear the drawing surface of existing strokes.
inkContext.clearRect(0, 0, inkCanvas.width, inkCanvas.height);
// Iterate through each stroke.
function (stroke)
if (stroke.selected) {
inkContext.lineWidth = stroke.drawingAttributes.size.width * 2;
inkContext.strokeStyle = "green";
} else {
inkContext.lineWidth = stroke.drawingAttributes.size.width;
inkContext.strokeStyle = "black";
// Enumerate through each line segment of the stroke.
var first = true;
function (segment)
// Move to the starting screen location of the stroke.
if (first)
inkContext.moveTo(segment.position.x, segment.position.y);
first = false;
// Calculate the bezier curve for the segment.
segment.position.x, segment.position.y);
// Draw the stroke.
// Set up draw mode.
function drawStrokes() {
inkManager.mode = Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManipulationMode.inking;
strokeColor = "black";
strokeWidth = 2;
modeMessage.innerText = inkManager.mode;
// Set up selection mode.
function selectStrokes() {
inkManager.mode = Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManipulationMode.selecting;
strokeColor = "red";
strokeWidth = 1;
modeMessage.innerText = inkManager.mode;
// Set up erase mode.
function eraseStrokes() {
inkManager.mode = Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManipulationMode.erasing;
strokeColor = "gold";
strokeWidth = 1;
modeMessage.innerText = inkManager.mode;
// Select all strokes handler.
function selectAllStrokes() {
inkManager.mode = Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManipulationMode.selecting;
strokeColor = "red";
strokeWidth = 1;
modeMessage.innerText = "Select all strokes.";
// Iterate through each stroke.
function (stroke) {
stroke.selected = 1;
// Select all strokes handler.
function eraseAllStrokes() {
inkManager.mode = Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManipulationMode.inking;
strokeColor = "black";
strokeWidth = 2;
modeMessage.innerText = "Erase all strokes.";
// Iterate through each stroke.
function (stroke) {
stroke.selected = 1;
// Save all strokes owned by inkManager.
function saveStrokes()
// Ensure that strokes exist before calling saveAsync.
if (inkManager.getStrokes().size > 0)
// Set up the file save screen.
var savePicker = Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileSavePicker();
savePicker.suggestedStartLocation = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.picturesLibrary;
savePicker.fileTypeChoices.insert("GIF with embedded ISF", [".gif"]);
savePicker.defaultFileExtension = ".gif";
// Set up the stream.
var saveStream = null;
// Asynchronously save the ink data to the stream.
function (file)
if (null !== file)
function (stream)
saveStream = stream;
return inkManager.saveAsync(saveStream);
function ()
return saveStream.flushAsync();
function (e) {
// Override the standard saveAsync error with our own.
throw new Error("saveAsync");
function ()
statusMessage.innerText = "Strokes saved as GIF with embedded ISF (.gif).";
function (e) {
statusMessage.innerText = "Save: " + e.toString();
// Close the stream if open.
if (saveStream) {
statusMessage.innerText = "No strokes to save.";
// Load strokes into an inkManager.
function loadStrokes()
// Set up the file open screen.
var openPicker = Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileOpenPicker();
openPicker.suggestedStartLocation = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.picturesLibrary;
// Set up the stream.
var loadStream = null;
// Asynchronously load the ink data from the stream.
function (file)
if (null != file)
function (stream) {
loadStream = stream;
return inkManager.loadAsync(loadStream);
var strokes = inkManager.getStrokes().length;
if (strokes === 0)
statusMessage.innerText = "No strokes in file.";
statusMessage.innerText = strokes + " strokes loaded.";
function (e)
statusMessage.innerText = "Load failed.";
if (loadStream)
// Close the stream if open.
/// <summary>
/// Finds a specific recognizer, and sets the inkManager's default to that recognizer.
/// Returns true if successful.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recognizerName">The name of the handwriting recognizer.</param>
function setRecognizerByName(recognizerName) {
try {
// recognizers is a normal JavaScript array
var recognizers = inkManager.getRecognizers();
for (var i = 0, len = recognizers.length; i < len; i++) {
if (recognizerName === recognizers[i].name) {
return true;
catch (e) {
displayError("setRecognizerByName: " + e.toString());
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Invoked when the "Handwriting recognition" button is pressed.
/// The ink manager processes all strokes through recognizeAsync, which returns
/// the number of words detected and a set of recognition results for each word.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="evt">The event object.</param>
function recognizeStrokes(evt) {
// Ensure ink strokes exist before calling recognizeAsync.
if (inkManager.getStrokes().length > 0) {
// recognizeAsync fails if other recognition tasks are in progress.
try {
// The ink manager is used to store the recognition results.
// recognizeAsync has 3 modes: all | selected | recent.
// For this example, we process all strokes.
// recognizeAsync is documented at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=265172.
// The recognitionResult object returned by recognizeAsync exposes the
// bounding rect, strokes, and text candidates for each word.
// In this example, we simply display the word count and recognition results.
function (results) {
// recognizeAsync does not automatically update existing recognition results in the ink manager.
// updateRecognitionResults is documented at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=265175.
var x = inkManager.getRecognizers();
// Display the number of words returned in results.
statusMessage.innerText = "Words recognized: " + results.length.toString();
// Iterate through each word and display the ranked list of possible matches.
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
statusMessage.innerText += "\nWord" + (i+1).toString() + ":";
var alts = results[i].getTextCandidates();
for (var j = 0; j < alts.length; j++) {
statusMessage.innerText += " " + alts[j].toString();
function (e) {
displayError("InkManager::recognizeAsync: " + e.toString());
catch (e) {
displayError("recognize: " + e.toString());
else {
statusMessage.innerText = "No strokes to recognize.";
// Returns true if any strokes inside the ink manager are selected; false otherwise.
function anySelected() {
var strokes = inkManager.getStrokes();
var len = strokes.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (strokes[i].selected) {
return true;
return false;
Temas relacionados
Responder a la entrada de pluma y lápiz
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Muestras (DOM)
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Muestras (API de aplicaciones de la Tienda Windows)
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