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SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration (Miembros)

Defines the configuration specific to a security token service (STS).

En las tablas siguientes se enumeran los miembros expuestos por el tipo SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration.

Público Constructores

  Nombre Descripción
  SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration Sobrecargado.  


Público Campos

  Nombre Descripción
public field static DefaultCertificateValidationMode  (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public field static DefaultMaxClockSkew  (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public field static DefaultRevocationMode  (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public field static DefaultServiceName  (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public field static DefaultTrustedStoreLocation  (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)


Público Propiedades

  Nombre Descripción
public property AudienceRestriction  Gets or sets the AudienceRestriction. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property CertificateValidationMode  Gets or sets the certificate validation mode used by handlers to validate issuer certificates. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property CertificateValidator  Gets or sets the certificate validator used by handlers to validate issuer certificates. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property ClaimsAuthenticationManager  Gets or sets the ClaimsAuthenticationManager. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property ClaimsAuthorizationManager  Gets or sets the ClaimsAuthorizationManager. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property DefaultMaxSymmetricKeySizeInBits Gets or sets the default key size limit in bits used check if the KeySize specified in the request is within this limit.
public property DefaultSymmetricKeySizeInBits Gets or sets the default key size in bits used in the issued token.
public property DefaultTokenLifetime Gets or sets the default lifetime (defaultTokenLifetime property) used in the issued tokens.
public property DefaultTokenType Gets or sets the default token type (_defaultTokenType property) used in token issuance. The string values are specified in URI format, for example, for SAML 1.1 token type following is the string value: “”
public property DetectReplayedTokens  Gets or sets detection of replaying of tokens by handlers in the default handler configuration. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property DisableWsdl  Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether WSDL generation for the service is enabled. The default value is false. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property ExceptionMapper  Gets or sets the ExceptionMapper to be used when throwing exceptions. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property IsInitialized  (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property IssuerNameRegistry  Gets or sets the IssuerNameRegistry used to resolve issuer names. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property IssuerTokenResolver  Gets or sets the Issuer token resolver. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property MaxClockSkew  Gets or sets the maximum allowable time difference between the system clocks of the two parties that are communicating. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property MaximumTokenLifetime Gets or sets the maximum token lifetime for issued tokens.
public property Name  Gets or sets the service name of this configuration. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property RevocationMode  Gets or sets the revocation mode used by handlers to validate issuer certificates. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property SaveBootstrapTokens  Gets or sets whether bootstrap tokens are saved in the IClaimsIdentity and Sessions after token validation. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property SecurityTokenHandlerCollectionManager  Gets or sets the set of T:Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenHandler objects used for serializing and validating tokens found in WS-Trust messages.  (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property SecurityTokenHandlers  Gets or sets the collection of T:Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenHandler objects used for serializing and validating tokens found in WS-Trust messages. If user wants to register their own token handler, they can simply add their own handler to this collection. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property SecurityTokenService Gets or sets the type of the SecurityTokenService.
public property ServiceCertificate  Gets or sets the service certificate. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property ServiceTokenResolver  Gets or sets the Service token resolver. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property SigningCredentials Gets or sets the signing credentials.
public property TokenIssuerName Gets the issuer name so that it can be reflected in the issued token.
public property TokenReplayCache  Gets or sets the TokenReplayCache that is used to detect replayed tokens. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property TokenReplayCacheExpirationPeriod  Gets or sets the expiration period for items placed in the TokenReplayCache. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property TrustedStoreLocation  Gets or sets the trusted store location used by handlers to validate issuer certificates. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public property TrustEndpoints Gets the list of endpoints to enable for WS-Trust.
public property WSTrust13RequestSerializer Gets or sets the WS-Trust 1.3 Request (RST) serializer.
public property WSTrust13ResponseSerializer Gets or sets the WS-Trust 1.3 Response (RSTR) serializer.
public property WSTrustFeb2005RequestSerializer Gets or sets the WS-Trust Feb 2005 Request (RST) serializer.
public property WSTrustFeb2005ResponseSerializer Gets or sets the WS-Trust Feb 2005 Response (RSTR) serializer.


Público Métodos

(vea también Protegido Métodos)

  Nombre Descripción
public method CreateAggregateTokenResolver  Creates an aggregate token resolver with the service certificate and the service token resolver configured. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public method CreateSecurityTokenService Creates an instance of SecurityTokenService from the type specified in SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration.SecurityTokenService. The method expects the type to implement a constructor that takes in the SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration.
public method Equals  Sobrecargado. (Se hereda de Object)
public method GetHashCode  (Se hereda de Object)
public method GetType  (Se hereda de Object)
public method Initialize  Updates properties in the T:Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenHandlerConfiguration objects for the T:Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenHandlerCollection objects contained in P:Microsoft.IdentityModel.Configuration.ServiceConfiguration.SecurityTokenHandlerCollectionManager to be consistent with the property values on this T:Microsoft.IdentityModel.Configuration.ServiceConfiguration instance. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
public methodstatic ReferenceEquals  (Se hereda de Object)
public method ToString  (Se hereda de Object)


Protegido Métodos

  Nombre Descripción
protected method Finalize  (Se hereda de Object)
protected method LoadConfiguration  (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
protected method LoadHandlerConfiguration  Sobrecargado. (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
protected method LoadHandlers  (Se hereda de ServiceConfiguration)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (Se hereda de Object)


Vea también


SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration (Clase)
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Configuration (Espacio de nombres)

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