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ClaimCollection (Miembros)

Represents a collection of claims.

En las tablas siguientes se enumeran los miembros expuestos por el tipo ClaimCollection.

Público Constructores

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  ClaimCollection Initializes an instance of a ClaimCollection with the associated subject.


Público Propiedades

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public property Count Gets the number of Claim objects available in this collection.
public property IsReadOnly Gets whether this collection is read-only.
public property Item Gets or sets the element at the specified index of the ClaimCollection.


Público Métodos

(vea también Protegido Métodos)

  Nombre Descripción
public method Add Adds a Claim to this collection, detaching it from its current collection.
public method AddRange Adds a set of Claims to the collection.
public method Clear Removes all Claims from this collection.
public method Contains Checks whether the given claim is in the collection.
public method CopyRange Adds a set of Claim objects to the collection without modifying the source objects.
public method CopyTo Copies the given set of Claims from the given array starting at arrayIndex.
public method CopyWithSubject Returns a new ClaimCollection object copied from this object.
public method Equals  Sobrecargado. (Se hereda de Object)
public method Exists Determines whether the ClaimCollection contains elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate.
public method FindAll Retrieves an ICollection<Claim> containing all the elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate.
public method GetEnumerator Gets an enumerator for the ClaimCollection.
public method GetHashCode  (Se hereda de Object)
public method GetType  (Se hereda de Object)
public method IndexOf Determines the index of a specific Claim object in the ClaimCollection.
public method Insert Inserts a Claim in the ClaimCollection at a specified index.
public methodstatic ReferenceEquals  (Se hereda de Object)
public method Remove Removes a claim from the ClaimCollection.
public method RemoveAt Removes a claim from the ClaimCollection at the specified index.
public method ToString  (Se hereda de Object)


Protegido Métodos

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protected method Finalize  (Se hereda de Object)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (Se hereda de Object)


Implementaciones de interfaz explícitas

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Vea también


ClaimCollection (Clase)
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims (Espacio de nombres)

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