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Fix Build Errors


When you compile and link your program in the development environment, the Output window is automatically opened, and information about the build is displayed there, including error and warning messages. The Output window has two ways of helping you find and fix the causes of error and warning messages: it connects you to the line of code where the message is generated, and it connects you to a help topic that gives additional information about the message.

To see the code that generates a diagnostic message

  • Double-click a diagnostic message in the Output window.

    The appropriate source file opens, and a pointer shows the line which generates the diagnostic message.

To get help on an error message

  1. Click the mouse pointer on the error message number (for example, C1201) in the Output window.

  2. Press F1.

    The topic corresponding to the selected error number is opened in the help window.

If you do not build in the development environment, you can access information on diagnostic messages by using the Search dialog box available from the Help menu. Type the error message number in the search box and click the List Topics button, then click Display.

See Also   Common Problems Switching from Debug to Release Build