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AppWizard Language Support for East Asian Languages


Visual C++ allows you to choose different languages when you create an MFC AppWizard program. The East Asian language support DLLs (Japanese, Korean, and simplified Chinese) for the MFC AppWizard, which require double-byte enabled operating systems, are not installed by default. Thus you will not see them in the language drop-down list on the first page of the MFC AppWizard. However, you can find them in the Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\msdev98\bin\ide directory on the Visual C++ CD as follows:

Language AppWizard DLL
Chinese (simplified) APPWZCHS.DLL

To take advantage of East Asian language support:

  1. Copy the appropriate MFC AppWizard DLL to your Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\msdev98\bin\ide directory. This DLL can be found in the corresponding directory on Visual C++ CD.

  2. Install the appropriate code page on your system.

    If your application is dynamically linked to MFC, you must have the corresponding localized version of the MFC resource DLL, MFC40LOC.DLL, in your Windows system directory. To do this, copy the corresponding DLL in the MFC\include\L.XXX\MFC40XXX.DLL on Visual C++ CD into the Windows system directory, and rename it to be MFC40LOC.DLL. For more information on using the localized resources that Visual C++ provides, see and .

    – or–

    If your application is statically linked to MFC, you must have the appropriate localized MFC resource files in your MFC\[src|include]\L.XXX\*.rc directory. You can find these files in the corresponding directories of Visual Studio CD1. For more information on using the localized resources that Visual C++ provides, see and .

Feature Only in Professional and Enterprise Editions   Static linking to MFC is supported only in Visual C++ Professional and Enterprise Editions. For more information, see .