_com_ptr_t Extractors
Microsoft Specific
operator Interface*( ) const throw( );
operator Interface&( ) const throw( _com_error );
Interface& operator*( ) const throw( _com_error );
Interface* operator->( ) const throw( _com_error );
Interface** operator&( ) throw( );
operator bool( ) const throw( );
operator Interface* Returns the encapsulated interface pointer, which may be NULL.
operator Interface& Returns a reference to the encapsulated interface pointer, and issues an error if the pointer is NULL.
operator* Allows a smart pointer object to act as though it were the actual encapsulated interface when dereferenced.
operator-> Allows a smart pointer object to act as though it were the actual encapsulated interface when dereferenced.
operator& Releases any encapsulated interface pointer, replacing it with NULL, and returns the address of the encapsulated pointer. This allows the smart pointer to be passed by address to a function which has an out parameter through which it returns an interface pointer.
operator bool Allows a smart pointer object to be used in a conditional expression. This operator returns true if the pointer is not NULL.
END Microsoft Specific