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Properties are characteristics of objects. For example, window objects have Height and Width properties. These properties correspond to the height and width of windows.

For more background about properties, see the introduction to properties. And, for examples of using properties, see the macro samples provided with Developer Studio.

The following properties are available:

Property Description
Active Gets or sets whether Developer Studio, a document, or a window is active.
ActiveConfiguration Gets or sets the active configuration for a project.
ActiveDocument Gets the Document or TextDocument object representing the active document.
ActiveProject Gets or sets the active project in the workspace.
ActiveWindow Gets the Window object associated with the active window.
Application Gets the Developer Studio Application object.
BottomLine Gets the line at the bottom of a selection.
Breakpoints Gets the Breakpoints object.
Caption Gets the caption of a window.
Condition Gets or sets the condition that allows a breakpoint to occur.
Configurations Gets the Configurations object.
Count Gets the number of items in a collection.
CurrentColumn Gets the column where the insertion point is.
CurrentDirectory Gets or sets the directory used by the Open command on the File menu.
CurrentLine Gets the line where the insertion point is.
Debugger Gets the Debugger object.
DefaultRadix Gets or sets the default radix (number base) used by the debugger.
Documents Gets the Documents object.
Elements Gets the range of memory specifying when a data breakpoint occurred.
Emulation Gets or sets the emulation mode of the Developer Studio editor.
Enabled Gets or sets whether a breakpoint is enabled.
Errors Gets the number of errors that occurred during the last build.
Executable Gets the description of the .exe or .dll in which a breakpoint is set.
File Gets the name of the file in which a breakpoint is set.
FullName Gets the full path.
Function Gets the name of the function in which a breakpoint is set.
Height Gets or sets the height of a window in pixels.
IndentSize Gets or sets the number of columns in one indent.
Index Gets the one-based ordinal of a window in the Windows collection obtained by using the Windows property of the Application object.
JustInTimeDebugging Gets or sets whether just-in-time debugging is available.
Language Gets or sets the programming language used to check the syntax of the language in a document.
Left Gets or sets the x-coordinate of a window's left edge in pixels.
Location Gets the location of a breakpoint.
Message Gets the Windows message that will trigger a breakpoint.
Name Gets the name of an object.
_NewEnum References objects in a collection.
Next Gets the next window in the tab sequence.
Overtype Gets or sets whether the editor is in overtype mode.
Parent Gets the parent of an object.
Passcount Gets the number of times you pass over a breakpoint before triggering it.
Path Gets the path to an object. This path never ends with a backslash, unless the path has the format "C:\."
Previous Gets the previous window.
State Gets the state of the Developer Studio debugger.
Projects Gets the Projects object.
ReadOnly Gets or sets whether a document is read-only in Developer Studio.
RemoteProcedureCallDebugging Gets or sets whether remote procedure call debugging is available.
Saved Gets a document's saved status, indicating whether a document has changed since it was last saved.
Selection Gets the TextSelection object, which represents the selected text.
TabSize Gets or sets the number of columns in a tab character.
Text Gets or sets the text in a selection.
TextEditor Gets the TextEditor object.
Top Gets or sets the y-coordinate of a window's top edge in pixels.
TopLine Gets the line at the top of a selection.
Type Returns a string describing the type of breakpoint, document, project, or window.
Version Gets the version number of Developer Studio.
Visible Gets or sets whether the Developer Studio main window is visible.
VisibleWhitespace Gets or sets the visibility of tabs and spaces in all open text documents.
Warnings Gets the number of warnings that occurred during the last build.
Width Gets or sets the width of a window in pixels.
WindowProcedure Gets the name of the Windows procedure that is being monitored for messages that will trigger breakpoints.
Windows Gets the Windows object.
WindowState Gets or sets the state of a window.