CA1031: No capturar los tipos de excepción general
TypeName |
DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes |
Identificador de comprobación |
CA1031 |
Categoría |
Microsoft.Design |
Cambio problemático |
Poco problemático |
Una excepción general como Exception o SystemException se detecta en una instrucción catch o se utiliza una cláusula catch general como catch().
Descripción de la regla
No se deben capturar excepciones generales.
Cómo corregir infracciones
Para corregir una infracción de esta regla, captura una excepción más específica, o vuelva a producir una excepción general como la última instrucción del bloque catch.
Cuándo suprimir advertencias
No suprima las advertencias de esta regla.Capturar tipos de excepciones generales puede ocultar los problemas en tiempo de ejecución del usuario de la biblioteca y pueden dificultar la depuración.
A partir de .NET Framework 4, Common Language Runtime (CLR) ya no proporciona excepciones de estado corruptas que aparecen en el sistema operativo y el código administrado, como infracciones de acceso en Windows, para ser manejadas mediante código administrado.Si desea compilar una aplicación en .NET Framework 4 (o posterior) y mantener el control de las excepciones de estado corruptas, puede aplicar el atributo HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptionsAttribute al método que administra la excepción de estado corrupta.
El ejemplo siguiente muestra un tipo que infringe esta regla y un tipo que implementa correctamente el bloque catch.
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Namespace DesignLibrary
' Creates two violations of the rule.
Public Class GenericExceptionsCaught
Dim inStream As FileStream
Dim outStream As FileStream
Sub New(inFile As String, outFile As String)
inStream = File.Open(inFile, FileMode.Open)
Catch ex As SystemException
Console.WriteLine("Unable to open {0}.", inFile)
End Try
outStream = File.Open(outFile, FileMode.Open)
Console.WriteLine("Unable to open {0}.", outFile)
End Try
End Sub
End Class
Public Class GenericExceptionsCaughtFixed
Dim inStream As FileStream
Dim outStream As FileStream
Sub New(inFile As String, outFile As String)
inStream = File.Open(inFile, FileMode.Open)
' Fix the first violation by catching a specific exception.
Catch ex As FileNotFoundException
Console.WriteLine("Unable to open {0}.", inFile)
End Try
outStream = File.Open(outFile, FileMode.Open)
' Fix the second violation by re-throwing the generic
' exception at the end of the catch block.
Console.WriteLine("Unable to open {0}.", outFile)
End Try
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace DesignLibrary
// Creates two violations of the rule.
public class GenericExceptionsCaught
FileStream inStream;
FileStream outStream;
public GenericExceptionsCaught(string inFile, string outFile)
inStream = File.Open(inFile, FileMode.Open);
catch(SystemException e)
Console.WriteLine("Unable to open {0}.", inFile);
outStream = File.Open(outFile, FileMode.Open);
Console.WriteLine("Unable to open {0}.", outFile);
public class GenericExceptionsCaughtFixed
FileStream inStream;
FileStream outStream;
public GenericExceptionsCaughtFixed(string inFile, string outFile)
inStream = File.Open(inFile, FileMode.Open);
// Fix the first violation by catching a specific exception.
catch(FileNotFoundException e)
Console.WriteLine("Unable to open {0}.", inFile);
outStream = File.Open(outFile, FileMode.Open);
// Fix the second violation by re-throwing the generic
// exception at the end of the catch block.
Console.WriteLine("Unable to open {0}.", outFile);
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
namespace DesignLibrary
// Creates two violations of the rule.
public ref class GenericExceptionsCaught
FileStream^ inStream;
FileStream^ outStream;
GenericExceptionsCaught(String^ inFile, String^ outFile)
inStream = File::Open(inFile, FileMode::Open);
catch(SystemException^ e)
Console::WriteLine("Unable to open {0}.", inFile);
outStream = File::Open(outFile, FileMode::Open);
catch(Exception^ e)
Console::WriteLine("Unable to open {0}.", outFile);
public ref class GenericExceptionsCaughtFixed
FileStream^ inStream;
FileStream^ outStream;
GenericExceptionsCaughtFixed(String^ inFile, String^ outFile)
inStream = File::Open(inFile, FileMode::Open);
// Fix the first violation by catching a specific exception.
catch(FileNotFoundException^ e)
Console::WriteLine("Unable to open {0}.", inFile);
outStream = File::Open(outFile, FileMode::Open);
// Fix the second violation by re-throwing the generic
// exception at the end of the catch block.
catch(Exception^ e)
Console::WriteLine("Unable to open {0}.", outFile);
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