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How to: Use Graphics Diagnostics with an ARM Device

Graphics Diagnostics supports remote debugging of Direct3D apps on ARM-based devices that run Windows RT 8.1 or Windows Phone 8.1. You can capture graphics information from your Direct3D app while it runs on the device, or use the device as the playback machine for previously captured graphics information.

Using Graphics Diagnostics with an ARM-Based Device

Because Visual Studio doesn't run on ARM-based devices, you have to use the remote debugger to analyze an app that runs on them. The remote debugger supports graphics capture and playback so that you can diagnose rendering errors and evaluate graphics performance on these devices just as easily as you can debug your app on them.

To use graphics diagnostics features, first enable remote debugging on your device.

To enable remote debugging on your ARM-based device

  1. Install the ARM Kits Policy on your ARM-based device.

  2. Install the Remote Debugging Tools on your ARM-based device.


For Windows Phone 8.1 devices, you might have to register your phone for development. To do so, you must be a registered developer. For more information, see How to deploy and run an app for Windows Phone 8.

After you've enabled remote debugging on your device, make it your debug target and start Graphics Diagnostics.

To configure and start Graphics Diagnostics on your device

  1. On the Solution Platforms drop-down list, select ARM so that your ARM-based device will be available as a remote debugging target.

  2. On the Debug Target drop-down list, select your ARM device.

  3. On the menu, choose Debug, Graphics, Start Diagnostics. (Keyboard: Alt+F5)

See Also


How to: Change the Graphics Diagnostics Playback Machine


Run Windows Store apps on a remote machine from Visual Studio