Microsoft.Xrt.Runtime Namespace
The Microsoft.Xrt.Runtime namespace contains types that support the exploration environment.
Use the NativeTypeAttribute attribute to mark a type as a native type in your modeling assembly. In general, Spec Explorer cannot explore unmanaged code. Unmanaged code is any code that runs outside the common language runtime, such as COM components, ActiveX components, and Win32 API functions. However, Spec Explorer can explore an unmanaged type if you mark that type as a native type.
The Condition.AssertIsTrue method throws an AssertFailedException exception during exploration when the condition parameter of the method evaluates to false.
Other types in this namespace support exploration and are not intended to be used directly from your code.
Class | Description |
AssertFailedException | An exception which is thrown when an assertion fails. |
AssumeFailedException | An exception which is thrown when an assumption fails. |
Box | This class supports the exploration infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
MethodSubstitutionAttribute | This assembly-level attribute defines a method substitution. |
NativeTypeAttribute | This assembly-level attribute indicates that a type should be treated as native. |
ReflectionCallAttribute | This method-level attribute indicates that this method should be executed by a call through reflection. |
RuntimeList | A class which represents a runtime list. Supports the XRT infrastructure. |
RuntimeMap | A class which represents a core collection type on base of which other types are implemented. Supports the XRT infrastructure. |
RuntimeMapElement | A class which represents a range element of a runtime map. Supports the XRT infrastructure. |
RuntimeMapSplit | A class which represents the result of splitting a map. |
RuntimeSupport | Supports the XRT engine infrastructure. |
TypeSubstitutionAttribute | This assembly-level attribute defines a type substitution. |
Enumeration | Description |
QuantifierKind | Kind of a quantifier. |
Singleton | An enumeration type to represent a singleton (a type which contains just one element) |