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Enable / Disable the Request Forwarder for Publishing Requests

The following procedures describe how to enable and disable the request forwarder for publishing requests. Publishing requests must be sent to the controller because content published on members are overwritten during synchronization. You can enable the request forwarder for publishing requests to ensure that requests to publish content are sent to the controller.

Application Center supports forwarding for the following types of publishing requests:

  • Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) requests

  • Microsoft FrontPage® publishing requests

To enable the request forwarder for publishing

  1. In the Application Center snap-in, right-click the cluster on which to enable the request forwarder for publishing, and then on the pop-up menu, click Properties.

  2. In the cluster_name Properties dialog box, click the Request Forwarding tab.

  3. Under Publishing request forwarding, select the appropriate check boxes.

  4. Click OK.

To disable the request forwarder for publishing

  1. In the Application Center snap-in, right-click the cluster on which to disable the request forwarder for publishing, and then on the pop-up menu, click Properties.

  2. In the cluster_name Properties dialog box, click the Request Forwarding tab.

  3. Under Publishing request forwarding, clear the appropriate check boxes.

  4. Click OK.

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